1. Conducive to or feeling mental discomfort.
2. Providing or experiencing physical discomfort.
Use 'uncomfortable' in a sentence:
- 1. He looked abashed, uncomfortable.
- 2. Don't avoid being around new people just because you feel uncomfortable.
- 3. I got hot and uncomfortable.
- 4. I couldn't sleep because the bed was so uncomfortable.
- 5. Everyone felt uncomfortable because his remarks were a little too close to home.
- 6. I was sitting in an extremely uncomfortable position.
- 7. Introduce foods one at a time and notice if you feel uncomfortable with any of them.
- 8. Wigs are itchy and uncomfortable.
- 9. That's why you will feel uncomfortable.
- 10. It is uncomfortable to think of our own death, but we need to.
- 11. He felt uncomfortable because of being criticized to his face.
- 12. He looked abashed and uncomfortable.
- 13. What makes the author feel uncomfortable nowadays?
- 14. Such questions are uncomfortable to answer.
- 15. Far from being relaxed, we both felt so uncomfortable we hardly spoke.
- 16. It was an acutely uncomfortable journey back to London.
- 17. It makes them feel uncomfortable.
- 18. There was an uncomfortable silence.
- 19. That's when I discovered an uncomfortable truth.
- 20. I feel uncomfortable lying.
- 21. He was lying in a very uncomfortable position.
- 22. She still finds it uncomfortable to stand without support.
- 23. Sometimes he is decidedly uncomfortable at what he sees on the screen.
- 24. Too many uncomfortable thoughts were crowding in on her.
- 25. Why did I wear such uncomfortable shoes?
- 26. When you are used to physical labour, you feel uncomfortable if you're idle.
- 27. He was a little uncomfortable with him, a little uncertain.
- 28. I sometimes feel uncomfortable after eating in the evening.
- 29. The request for money made them feel uncomfortable.
- 30. Didn't it make you uncomfortable?
- 31. Questions liked the one my taxi driver asked make me feel uncomfortable.
- 32. And there we have a question that most women would find uncomfortable to answer. Do we really want the men to be at home?
- 33. They feel uncomfortable when engaging in social interactions.
- 34. "Boredom could be an uncomfortable feeling," she said.
- 35. The decree put the president in an uncomfortable position.
- 36. He admits there will be moments when he's decidedly uncomfortable at what he sees on the screen.
- 37. She feels uncomfortable today because she has a cold.
- 38. Wigs are hot and uncomfortable to wear constantly.
- 39. She couldn't disguise the fact that she felt uncomfortable.
- 40. She felt increasingly uncomfortable under the woman's steady gaze.
- 41. The furniture was stiff, uncomfortable, too delicate, and too neat.
- 42. Powdering a sweaty nose will only block up the pores and make the skin more uncomfortable.
- 43. I had the uncomfortable feeling that it was my fault.
- 44. People living or working with smokers can find it uncomfortable to wear contact lenses because the smoke causes irritation.
- 45. He looked distinctly uncomfortable when the subject was mentioned.
- 46. The symptoms can be uncomfortable, unpleasant and serious.
- 47. The ride back to the centre of the town was hot and uncomfortable.
- 48. If you are uncomfortable with your counsellor or therapist, you must discuss it.
- 49. If you are uncomfortable with your therapist, you must discuss it.
- 50. The Metro journey back to the centre of the town was hot and uncomfortable.