1. The form of I that is used when the speaker or writer is the object of a verb or preposition, or after the verb be.
Use 'me' in a sentence:
- 1. "This is a happy moment for me," Ma said.
- 2. "He made me think twice about retiring," Li says.
- 3. "There was no way out for me," He said.
- 4. "The title is too heavy for me," Yao said.
- 5. I shouldn't be dining in college tonight. Would you mind signing me out?
- 6. "It would be an honor for me," Durant said.
- 7. "This role is very new to me," Gong says.
- 8. "It was a good day for me," Donovan said.
- 9. "Chilling out" Hawaiian style didn't come to me naturally.
- 10. "He wanted me to lodge a complaint," Hai said.
- 11. You scared me.
- 12. Which of you will go with me?
- 13. "This is a new beginning for me," Hu says.
- 14. "This is a new beginning for me," Hu said.
- 15. Nobody understands me.
- 16. What do you like to do in your spare time?
- 17. These things have grounded me and made me who I am.
- 18. Excuse me!
- 19. "They want me to shoot the jumpshot," Lee said.
- 20. She pushed past me, almost knocking me over.
- 21. "It didn't surprise me," Jackson said of Bryant.
- 22. The bigger girls used to chase me and tickle me.
- 23. "The Olympics is very important to me," he said.
- 24. "Everybody keeps calling me Tiger's replacement," Whitehead said.
- 25. Hello, it's me.
- 26. Give it to me.
- 27. Please give me a lift onto the saddle.
- 28. "This is a great opportunity for me," Jones said.
- 29. They spat at me and taunted me.
- 30. He wanted me to know that he still cared for me.
- 31. They gave me an injection to help me sleep.
- 32. "This was an important decision for me," Beckham said.
- 33. "The US Open got me by surprise," Cabrera said.
- 34. They called me 'Chinese jasmine', '' said Song.
- 35. "I think they're gonna kill me," Malvo said.
- 36. You're scaring me.
- 37. This embarassed me somewhat.
- 38. "It makes me work a little harder," Molinari said.
- 39. "He was right behind me in registration," Burgoon said.
- 40. She put me on speakerphone and he heard me talking.
- 41. "It's a learning process for me," Lu says.
- 42. The way he treats me really burns me up.
- 43. "He told me to be more aggressive," Parker said.
- 44. My sister gave me a book.
- 45. "This certainly gives me a new life," Agassi said.
- 46. A Shanghai friend told me it was part of the Expo effect.
- 47. Everyone I met overwhelmed me and kind of blew me away.
- 48. Don't leave me behind.
- 49. He asked me to go to Cambridge with him.
- 50. Myra Cunningham sent me a note thanking me for dinner.
- 51. "It's still with me now," Wallace said Saturday.
- 52. Then my husband left me. It gave me the jolt I needed.
- 53. Don't hit me.
- 54. Chuck would lecture me, telling me to get a haircut.
- 55. My mother makes a fuss of me every time I come home.
- 56. ‘Who's there? ’ ‘Only me. ’
- 57. Let me elucidate.
- 58. He jumped on me for not agreeing with him.
- 59. "They have been very nice to me," Freedman said.
- 60. "That's all it took for me," Gates said.
- 61. Run an errand for me, will you? Go find Roger for me.
- 62. Don't give me a hard time, boys. I'm trying to study.
- 63. Lay off me will you—it's nothing to do with me.
- 64. He brought me a large package.
- 65. Hi, it's me!
- 66. "I knew it wasn't off me," Brewer said.
- 67. He lunged at me, grabbing me violently.
- 68. The name simply didn't register with me.
- 69. She saw me, recognized me and cut me dead.
- 70. You're taller than me.
- 71. You gave me a fright jumping out at me like that.
- 72. I deeply appreciate your kindness in coming so far to meet me.
- 73. Can you cue me when you want me to begin speaking?
- 74. She told me flat she would not speak to me again.
- 75. It hurt me to think that he would lie to me.
- 76. She sailed past me, ignoring me completely.
- 77. I had to make important decisions that would affect me for the rest of my life.
- 78. It bothered me that boys weren't interested in me.
- 79. Please remember me to your parents.
- 80. It annoys me to see him getting ahead of me.
- 81. My sister puzzles me and causes me anxiety.