Definition: 1. A bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer's purchases. 2. An enclosed space. 3. To dismiss somebody from a job. 4. Terminate the employment of.
Use 'sack' in a sentence:
1. Young children were trying to scrape up some of the rice that spilled from the sacks.
2. As soon as the man in the sack saw him passing under the tree, he cried out, "Good morning!"
3. A bird had pecked a hole in the sack.
4. Speculation is rife that he will be sacked.
5. An empty sack can't stand up.
6. He either resigned or was sacked, depending on who you talk to.
7. With a mighty heave he lifted the sack onto the truck.
8. His brother has got the sack.
9. He wants the power to sack incompetent teachers.
10. The student let him down, opened the sack, and set him free.
11. Don't stuff the sack too full or it'll burst.
12. Lately, the president has been sacking and picking new ministers at whim.
13. After breakfast we'll take the empties down in the sack.
14. Alistair had carefully folded up the paper and stowed it away under the sacks.
15. Sacks were being loaded onto the truck.
16. If the muscle's contract, then the sack expands, and you can see the colors.
17. In falling, he made as much noise as a sack of wood falling from the fifth story of a house.
18. We've just sacked one lot of builders.
19. This sack of potatoes weighs a hundred jin at most.
20. A man could be seen walking up with a large sack on his shoulders.
21. Honour and profit lie not sack.
22. She is said to be very bitter about the way she was sacked.
23. He caught them in the sack together.
24. They would be sacked for criminal or scandalous behaviour.
25. I hope I can get Bobby back in this sack. He's starting to swell and come apart on me.
26. In 1527 Imperial troops sacked the French ambassador's residence in Rome.
27. Father put the cupboard under the wagon-seat, and in front of it and he laid a sack of corn for the horses.
28. Rome was sacked by the Goths in 410.
29. She was sacked for demanding Saturdays off.
30. These problems came to a head in September when five of the station's journalists were sacked.
31. This sack of rice was destroyed [bit] by rats and insects.
32. The government agreed not to sack any of the striking workers.
33. A number of churches were sacked and sacrilegious acts committed.
34. If the muscles are relaxed, the sack shrinks, and all you see is a little white point.
35. He shielded his head from the sun with an old sack.
36. The sack of wheat has spilled.
37. Four hundred workers face the sack.
38. Science teacher James Wood was sacked for slapping a schoolboy.
39. How would you like the sack because someone didn't like the way you looked or sounded?
40. He pre-empted any decision to sack him.
41. Francis bundled up her clothes again into their small sack.
42. Other industries have had to sack managers to reduce administrative costs.
43. The sack is too heavy to lift—you'll have to drag it.
44. The sack is too heavy to lift ─ you'll have to drag it.
45. He got the sack for swearing.
46. After a further four-month extension of her probation period, she was sacked.
47. Thieves ransacked the office, taking a sack of loose change.
48. The poor old sod got the sack yesterday.
49. Her work was so poor that she was given the sack.