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1. The activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities.
2. Aiding the cause or policy or interests of.
3. To help or encourage somebody/something by saying or showing that you agree with them/it.

Use 'support' in a sentence:

  1. He stumped around the country trying to build up support.
  2. Many national newspapers rallied to his support.
  3. Mark has two children to support from his first marriage.
  4. They were supported by a local Liverpool band.
  5. He had supported the local team faithfully for 30 years.
  6. We offer free technical support.
  7. The support of family and friends is vital.
  8. The National Union of Mineworkers pressed the party to support a total ban on imported coal.
  9. The president will keep the support of the party faithful.
  10. My sister came along just to give me some moral support.
  11. She has the full support of her constituents.
  12. He promised to support her come what may.
  13. Support came from an unexpected direction.
  14. He turned to crime to support his drug habit.
  15. We want more support for the self-employed.
  16. I support your advocacy of free trade.
  17. He came along to lend me moral support.
  18. The statistics offer further support for our theory.
  19. We have been very appreciative of their support.
  20. The many letters of support added weight to the campaign.
  21. Which team do you support?
  22. The witness's story was not supported by the evidence.
  23. The plan received widespread support throughout the country.
  24. The plan was given wholehearted support.
  25. The party still has widespread popular support.
  26. I gave her my unqualified support.
  27. We need support at grass-roots level.
  28. Your support is greatly appreciated.
  29. We must support our weaker brethren.
  30. Only a few people spoke in support of the proposal.
  31. The government supported the unions in their demand for a minimum wage.
  32. Can I rely on your support (= will you vote for me) in the election?
  33. He withdrew his support for our campaign.
  34. Families want the right to refuse life support.
  35. People in general will support us.
  36. The support for the party was rock solid.
  37. The company will support customers in Europe (= solve their problems with a product) .
  38. The vice president insisted that he supported the hard-working people of New York.
  39. We assured him of our support.
  40. It is important to cite examples to support your argument.
  41. Local businesses have provided financial support.
  42. The plan was given only qualified support.
  43. We hope to continue to have her close support and friendship.
  44. Several major companies are supporting the project.
  45. There is strong public support for the change.
  46. Financial support was not forthcoming.
  47. There was little overt support for the project.
  48. If you raise it at the meeting, I'll support you.
  49. These measures are strongly supported by environmental groups.
  50. They have the support of most of the country.
  51. He supported the official line on education.
  52. These policies have a broad base of support.
  53. There's a lot of support for the policy on the ground.
  54. The company will support customers in Europe.
  55. Support for the party continues to decline.
  56. Her family and friends have given her lots of support.
  57. She's critically ill, on life support.
  58. When my father died, Jim was a real support.
  59. This digital audio player supports multiple formats.
  60. It was hard to come to terms with her death after all the support she gave to me and the family.
  61. Support the baby's head when you hold it.
  62. You have our support, whatever you decide.
  63. The atmosphere of Mars could not support life.
  64. Their support gradually slipped away.
  65. We have no firm evidence to support the case.
  66. The campaign petered out for lack of support.
  67. He needs all the support and encouragement he can get.