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1. A state of confusion and disorderliness.
2. A dirty or untidy state.
3. Informal terms for a difficult situation.

Use 'mess' in a sentence:

  1. The economy is still an unholy mess.
  2. She was in a mess and could see no way out.
  3. Who's responsible for this mess?
  4. Dad will give us hell when he sees that mess.
  5. We made a fearful mess of the room.
  6. I've made such a mess of my life.
  7. This is a fine mess we're in!
  8. He is resigned to the noise, the mess, the constant upheaval.
  9. The kids made a mess in the bathroom.
  10. Please excuse the mess.
  11. It made him squirm to think how badly he'd messed up the interview.
  12. The economy is in a mess.
  13. If the plant's rules and regulations collapsed, production would get into a mess.
  14. Good grief! What a mess!
  15. 'It's a complete mess!' she groaned.
  16. Everything was in a thorough mess.
  17. I have to get to the bottom of this mess.
  18. Clear up your own mess!
  19. You've made a terrible mess of this job.
  20. I don't want you messing up my nice clean kitchen.
  21. This room's in a frightful mess.
  22. The firm was in a hell of a mess when he took over.
  23. The room was in a mess.
  24. She looked despairingly at the mess.
  25. My hair's a real mess!
  26. I wouldn't mess with him if I were you.
  27. And muggins here had to clean up all the mess.
  28. She's making a dreadful mess of things.
  29. The room was in a terrible mess.
  30. You made a right mess of that!
  31. You've got yourself into a lovely mess, haven't you?
  32. Use that cloth to wipe up the mess.
  33. We're in a proper mess now.
  34. Apparently he made a mess of his audition.
  35. We finished in time, no messing.
  36. The whole situation is a mess.
  37. There's a mess of fish down there, so get your lines in the water.
  38. When they decide to have a party they don't mess around.
  39. I feel I've made a mess of things.
  40. I've really messed up this time.
  41. Who's going to clean up this mess?
  42. Trust him to go and mess things up!
  43. He made a God-awful mess of it!
  44. 'What a mess!' she said, surveying the scene after the party.
  45. She wondered how she had got into this unholy mess.
  46. Let's try to sort out the mess.
  47. Except for the remarkably tidy kitchen, the place was a mess.
  48. The house is a complete mess.
  49. This time they've messed up big time!
  50. I'll clear up the mess later.
  51. It's all a bit of a mess.