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1. Characterized by or advocating or based upon the principles of democracy or social equality.
2. Belong to or relating to the Democratic Party.
3. Representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large.

Use 'democratic' in a sentence:

  1. The country's salvation lies in forcing through democratic reforms.
  2. The vote was overwhelmingly in favour of the Democratic Party.
  3. The film was shown to gasps of rapture at the Democratic Convention.
  4. The Labour Party has moved to the right and become like your Democratic Party.
  5. His ideas were encapsulated in a book called 'Democratic Ideals and Reality'.
  6. Issues of national defense have been the undoing of Democratic candidates.
  7. This reluctance to move toward a democratic state is typical of totalitarian regimes.
  8. She ran for office on the Democratic ticket.
  9. New York is a proving ground today for the Democratic presidential candidates.
  10. He called for widespread changes to make the armed forces more democratic and less expensive.
  11. He has served as a Democratic senator for Texas since 2000.
  12. But the landed oligarchy had stunted the country's democratic development for generations.
  13. Republican strategists are taking particular aim at Democratic senators.
  14. The Democratic Presidential ticket plans another road show, this time through the industrial Midwest.
  15. They will be able to choose their own leaders in democratic elections.
  16. Dropping all pretense of reason, they began to bulldoze through the democratic reforms.
  17. Both Democratic and Republican parties are courting former supporters of Ross Perot.
  18. The nation had a chance to move towards a more democratic, and modern, state of affairs.
  19. The Mongolian Democratic Party is campaigning for electoral reform.
  20. I consider myself to be a liberal democrat, or to be more exact, a democratic liberal.
  21. The Social Democratic Party was full of people of an academic cast of mind.
  22. He broke all links with the Democratic party.
  23. With a Democratic candidate in place they won by a mile.
  24. Yesterday's NEA event looked like a dress rehearsal for the Democratic convention.
  25. There is a razor-thin Democratic majority of one seat in the Senate.
  26. Christian Democratic leaders are meeting to discuss their role in shaping the future of Europe.
  27. This thesis led to a radical reshaping of Democratic policies.
  28. Democratic leaders under election pressure tend to respond with vague promises of action.
  29. The electoral fortunes of the Liberal Democratic party may decline.
  30. The movement is liberal and social democratic in orientation.
  31. Azerbaijan has been the odd man out, the one republic not to hold democratic elections.
  32. The Social Democratic Party has sunk without trace at these elections.
  33. The Democratic candidate is still leading in the polls.
  34. The country will hold democratic elections within a year.
  35. Education is the basis of a democratic society.
  36. I am not sure that this is sound democratic practice.
  37. Democratic government has now replaced military rule.
  38. Bolivia returned to democratic rule in 1982, after a series of military governments.
  39. It is no easy job to run against John Glenn, Ohio's Democratic senator.
  40. He's determined to speak at the Democratic Convention.
  41. Democratic leaders have challenged the president to sign the bill.
  42. The new Democratic Party is not likely to scare off voters.
  43. The Democratic majority pushed through a law permitting the sale of arms.
  44. He won the nomination as Democratic candidate for the presidency.
  45. She has conceded defeat in her bid for the Democratic Party's nomination for governor.
  46. He became an organizer for the Democratic Party.
  47. The West has an interest in promoting democratic forces in Eastern Europe.