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1. A type of literature that describes imaginary people and events, not real onesA literary work based on the imagination and not necessarily on fact.
2. A deliberately false or improbable account.

Use 'fiction' in a sentence:

  1. She is a popular writer of science fiction.
  2. Fiction writing as a means of living is no easy task.
  3. The fiction that 'he' is a neutral shorthand for 'he or she' is no longer acceptable to many.
  4. "Literary" fiction has no hard-and-fast definition.
  5. His recreation of the city is credible, with a substratum of fact to bolster the fiction.
  6. This biography sometimes crosses the borderline between fact and fiction.
  7. She attended a series of lectures about science fiction writing.
  8. Reading literary fiction isn't just for passing the time.
  9. The truth or fiction of this story has never been truly determined.
  10. Unfortunately the public conflated fiction with reality and made her into a saint.
  11. Greene's stories had an edge of realism that made it easy to forget they were fiction.
  12. John Agar starred in westerns, war films and low-budget science fiction pictures.
  13. Arthur C Clarke is the doyen of science-fiction writers.
  14. Her taste in fiction was for chunky historical romances.
  15. I read everything from fiction to history.
  16. The border between science fact and science fiction gets a bit fuzzy.
  17. The template for Adair's novel is not somebody else's fiction, but fact.
  18. How do we sort out fact from fiction?
  19. Whatever you do say needs to be fact, not fiction.
  20. I'm actually writing my own fiction.
  21. What's so special about literary fiction?
  22. The series will include both fiction and non-fiction.
  23. Fiction and reality were increasingly blurred.
  24. The idea of cloning extinct life forms still belongs to science fiction.
  25. He prefers historical fiction to romance novels.
  26. This novel is not science fiction, nor is it Gothic horror.
  27. Fiction takes up a large slice of the publishing market.
  28. Diana is a writer of historical fiction.
  29. Fact and fiction merge together in his latest thriller.
  30. His new novel is a must for all lovers of crime fiction.
  31. She has to combine fact with fiction.
  32. The series will include both fiction and nonfiction.
  33. Is it possible to separate truth from fiction?
  34. I am leaving to concentrate on writing fiction.
  35. Reading literary fiction, he says, makes us more curious.
  36. Immigrant tales have always been popular themes in fiction.
  37. I failed in my career as a writer of fiction entirely because of deficiencies in the education system.
  38. Unfortunately historic American fiction is constantly being used as a stick to beat contemporary British writers with.
  39. The idea that the United States could harmoniously accommodate all was a fiction.
  40. The book intermingles fact and fiction.
  41. It's important to distinguish fact from fiction.
  42. The book intermingles fact with fiction.
  43. The line between fact and fiction is becoming blurred.