1. A list of items to be discussed at a meeting.
2. A list of matters to be taken up (as at a meeting).
Use 'agenda' in a sentence:
- 1. He vowed to put jobs at the top of his agenda.
- 2. Economic reform is high on the agenda.
- 3. Never before has a summit had such a crowded agenda.
- 4. The other item on the agenda is the tour.
- 5. I have a hidden agenda in all my software engineering classes.
- 6. You have before you an ambitious and important agenda.
- 7. His agenda is discordant with ours.
- 8. Use o app oficial Google Agenda no seu smartphone e tablet Android para ganhar tempo e aproveitar mais o dia.
- 9. A great day is planned with wining, dining and dancing top of the agenda and all are welcome.
- 10. We now proceed to the next item on the agenda.
- 11. If there is no objection, the agenda is adopted.
- 12. Transforming our world: the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
- 13. Many of the coalition members could have their own political agendas.
- 14. This is sure to be an item on the agenda next week.
- 15. Miller has his own agenda and it has nothing to do with football.