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1. Capable of being apprehended or understood.
2. Seeming normal and reasonable in a particular situation.
3. Easy to understand.

Use 'understandable' in a sentence:

  1. The temptation is understandable.
  2. I don't agree with you, but it's understandable for you to think so.
  3. Keegan and company approached the game with understandable caution.
  4. The system can automated produce understandable proof of set theorem and related explain.
  5. That is understandable and indeed it is right and proper.
  6. Perhaps that is understandable.
  7. Their demands are understandable.
  8. Teaching is to make complicated matters understandable and acceptable.
  9. Taxes are unpopular — it is understandable that voters are against them.
  10. This is one that people get wrong and its rather understandable.
  11. Taxes are unpopular – it is understandable that voters are against them.
  12. Cluster analysis divides data into groups that are meaningful, easily understandable.
  13. Parents' concerns are understandable, but we often miss an important point: children's behaviour needs to be analysed in terms of age and environment.
  14. The system must be understandable even to first-time users.
  15. The delay was understandable.
  16. The rush is understandable.
  17. When there's a big task, it's understandable to put it off.
  18. That's big money, but it's understandable.
  19. His mistakes are understandable since he knows so little about the situation.
  20. It's understandable that mistakes were made.
  21. In the cognitive process, the world first presents itself as an understandable picture;
  22. Rules of origin should be objective, understandable and predictable;
  23. Roger Neuberg writes in a simple and understandable way.
  24. It's understandable that this was before 1879 which was when Red Cliff was founded, and long before Harvard became co-ed.
  25. The measurement unit should be understandable to the users.
  26. Belief in the wonders of modern medical science is quite understandable.
  27. Grumbles are understandable.
  28. It was an understandable mistake to make.
  29. The current public anger at banks is understandable.
  30. Is the data understandable?
  31. It is understandable that certain situations might drive anyone to drink.
  32. This tip reduces outside noise so that television dialogue is clear and understandable.
  33. His unhappiness was understandable.
  34. That today's students of American culture tend to ignore classical music is understandable.
  35. Finally, he had a speech that was interesting and perfectly understandable to his audience.
  36. This is understandable because the first house cats came from Africa.
  37. It's understandable that our parents would not always support our dreams but would awake us from dreams to the reality.
  38. But it's understandable.
  39. Part of this is understandable.
  40. It's understandable, but if you're willing to build trust in a relationship again, we have some steps you can take to get you there.
  41. But Chinese media experts said the paper's move was understandable.
  42. And that is understandable.
  43. Is information unbiased? Given in an understandable language?
  44. This is completely understandable.
  45. Research during the past several decades on the nature of language and the processes that produce and make it understandable has revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity.
  46. Their attitude is perfectly understandable.
  47. This urge is understandable and noble: thousands have lost virtually all their retirement savings with the demise of Enron stock.
  48. We need more scientists who can explain what they are doing in language that is convincing and understandable to the public.
  49. The general response was one of understandable bafflement.
  50. Warning notices must be readily understandable.
  51. It is understandable if your mobile makes you nervous.