Home » words » Easter example sentences



1. Easter Day, Easter Sunday.
2. Eastertime.

Use 'Easter' in a sentence:

  1. My favourite Easter eggs are when they discreetly1 include characters from other franchises2 as a nod to another film.
  2. They make chocolate Easter bunnies, too.
  3. We are making an Easter bunny.
  4. They usually have a walking holiday at Easter.
  5. I love it when filmmakers put an Easter egg into their films.
  6. That's my Easter bunny.
  7. Best wishes for Happy Easter.
  8. "People go at the special times—Christmas, Easter, and baptisms, weddings, funerals," notes the Reverend Christina Berglund.
  9. We're hoping to get away for a few days at Easter.
  10. Easter eggs symbolize the renewal of life.
  11. 'Happy Easter,' he yelled.
  12. Most villagers took communion only at Easter.
  13. We hung out at Easter last year.
  14. It isn't just chocolate eggs we'd like to see eating this Easter.
  15. The developer left an Easter egg in their new game, which was a reference to their previous game.
  16. Two traditional Easter egg games are the Easter Egg Hunt and the Easter Egg Roll.
  17. Easter Island, or Rapu Nui as it is known locally, is home to several hundred ancient human statues—the moai.
  18. The government is being asked to consider a plan to fix the date of the Easter break.
  19. "Happy Easter," he yelled.
  20. At Easter, we give them plastic eggs filled with small toys, novelties, and coins.
  21. Children get colourful Easter eggs.
  22. The government declared Easter Monday a public holiday.
  23. Some traditions are simple, like the red eggs that get baked into Greek Easter breads.
  24. He only sees her at Christmas and Easter.
  25. Happy Easter!
  26. People often eat chocolate at Easter, or during other festivals like Valentine's Day, Halloween and Christmas.
  27. In reality, that "handsome prince" we seem to be promising is in good company with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny—nary a one of them seems to exist.
  28. Children are making colourful Easter eggs.
  29. The Easter Bunny has many baskets.
  30. Seriously, whether you want your coffee to taste like a delicious candy bar, Easter candy, or breakfast cereal, you are covered my friend.
  31. We've spent our Easter holidays pleasantly.
  32. Here comes the Easter bunny!
  33. The poor guy obviously didn't have any place to go for Easter.
  34. Peralta's female dog is expecting puppies at Easter time—around the period that the Obamas hope to get their dog.
  35. In my life, I still believed in the magical trifecta—Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.
  36. In tonight's Easter special they come to the aid of a family in need of some delicious inspiration on a budget .
  37. An Easter bunny is hopping.
  38. In tonight's Easter special they come to the aid of a family in need of some inspiration on a budget.
  39. The deadline for submissions to the competition will be Easter 1994.
  40. The warehouse will hold more than 90,000 pallets storing 30 million Easter eggs.
  41. He turned up at a fancy dress Easter dance in the guise of a white rabbit.
  42. It took Louis until Easter to coax a grudging consent from the French King.
  43. The word Easter derives from Eostre, the pagan goddess of spring.
  44. Archaeological finds of nuts from the extinct Easter Island palm show tiny grooves, made by the teeth of Polynesian rats.
  45. At Easter, we give them plastic eggs filled with small toys, novelties and coins.
  46. In the end, we all decided to organize a concert for Easter.
  47. The soundtrack of 'Highlander II' will be released on compact disc at Easter.
  48. It's an Easter egg hunt.
  49. Three young people were received into the Church at Easter.
  50. All of this gives new meaning to dressing up in a giant bunny costume this Easter.
  51. She spends her Easter holidays taking groups of children to France.
  52. There are strong arguments for holidays at Easter and Christmas because these are special occasions.