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1. The act of combining into an integral whole.
2. An operation used in the calculus whereby the integral of a function is determined.

Use 'integration' in a sentence:

  1. By using differentiator series method, the formula of partial integration is obtained.
  2. Dieter Vandoren has been working on the integration project series for several years.
  3. They promote social integration and assimilation of minority ethnic groups into the culture.
  4. At this stage there was no integration of the material except in his head.
  5. The next article in this series will show how to establish this association and how you might use this integration.
  6. It also focuses on the two key elements which influenced the emergence of the classic Hollywood studio system: the advent of sound and the business ideal of vertical integration.
  7. Deploying the tested applications from integration edition and installing them to AE is a straightforward task.
  8. A system test environment mirrors the production environment more closely than does a development integration environment.
  9. The answer: integration testing.
  10. RISE Regional Integration for Sustainable Economies.
  11. A very determined effort by society will ensure that the disabled achieve real acceptance and integration.
  12. The developing tendency of international petrochemical industry has been turned into clustering, intensivism and integration.
  13. Integration with other tools.
  14. The openings also allow for the integration of shelves.
  15. The technology is also driving the integration.
  16. Integration with the data center.
  17. What is continuous integration?
  18. How can we resolve the risks that regional economic integration for connectivity development?
  19. This unique vision and integration brings to life leading capabilities in video and image processing.
  20. The two most important things that need to be improved are long term in nature-integration and intelligence.
  21. We are working to bring about closer political integration in the EU.
  22. With tight integration between hardware and software, our cameras can do even more.
  23. Communication within the body and the consequent integration of behavior were considered the exclusive province of the nervous system up to the beginning of the present century.
  24. Tong said he expects regional economic integration to be at the core of the APEC agenda this year.
  25. The company said in a statement that the firings proved "the structural integrity of the turret system and the inherent accuracy of the integration".
  26. With the integration develop, today's SOC system has reached hectowatt scale.
  27. is that it really enhances what's called neural integration.
  28. A still deeper integration could drive major economic growth.
  29. Hardware support and integration.
  30. We developed an example integration scenario that could be enabled by any of the myriad of coexistence mechanisms.
  31. Consciousness links past attention to the present and permits the integration of details with perceived ends and purposes.
  32. Process level integration.
  33. Economic experts believe regional integration is the best way to prevent another financial crisis in Asia.
  34. and power optimizations from our deep hardware and software integration,
  35. Continuous integration tools.
  36. Although full integration of sound into movies was complete by 1930, it would take a bit longer for films to regain their stylistic elegance and dexterity.
  37. On a societal level, one could even imagine that a lack of conversational flow may hamper the integration of immigrants who have not completely mastered the language of their new country yet.
  38. Vertical integration is the other key component in the rise of the Hollywood studio system.
  39. But I think, as integration of exponential technologies, this is the example.
  40. The paper implements a data integration system in the context of a certain project.
  41. Some immigrant advocates worry that as hard financial times make it more difficult for natives to keep jobs, such measures will become more a vehicle for intolerance than integration
  42. He was also one of the architects of European integration.
  43. The Little Three studios—Universal, Columbia and United Artists—also made pictures, but each lacked one of the crucial elements of vertical integration.
  44. They turned to Arizona State University's Human Machine Integration Laboratory.
  45. So far, the EU's attention on the economic integration of the main building.
  46. A strategy of ever-tightening integration between one company's devices may be more promising.
  47. The operation that is the inverse of differentiation is called integration.
  48. Ukraine was considering a deal for great economic integration with the European Union.
  49. One recent project demonstrated the integration of existing sniper detection systems into the Land Warrior system's leader display.
  50. She was skeptical that the language requirement would encourage integration
  51. Without a driving force, European integration has ground to a halt.
  52. He also says there is now a priority on the integration of the manufacturing and service industries.
  53. Third, we will support the African integration process and help Africa enhance capacity for overall development.
  54. Five studios, "The Big Five", worked to achieve vertical integration through the late 1940s, owning vast real estate on which to construct elaborate sets.
  55. Moreover, the integration of the European community will oblige television companies to cooperate more closely in terms of both production and distribution.
  56. This is one industry where it seems the integration of robots will lead to collaboration, not replacement.
  57. His music is an integration of tradition and new technology.
  58. The aim is to promote closer economic integration.
  59. She became a leading promoter of European integration.