Definition: 1. A plane figure bounded by two radii and the included arc of a circle. 2. A body of people who form part of society or economy. 3. A particular aspect of life or activity.
Use 'sector' in a sentence:
1. The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend.
2. The news gave a fillip to the telecommunications sector.
3. We started out by looking at ways in which big projects such as railways could be financed by the private sector.
4. The government is prioritising the service sector, rather than investing in industry and production.
5. The government continued to believe it should give free rein to the private sector in transportation.
6. In many rich countries average wages in the state sector are higher than in the private one.
7. They were all luxury hotels in the leisure sector, all of very high standard.
8. The private sector outdoes the government every time.
9. The extreme position that the private sector should do everything is clearly not desirable either.
10. Officers were going to retake sectors of the city.
11. In the private sector, however, they have fared less well.
12. The sector is thriving again.
13. But many within the public sector suffer under the current system, too.
14. The government continued to believe it should give free rein to the private sector in transport.
15. Policemen, bankers and butchers are all lumped together in the service sector.
16. The one sector of the economy that can't be easily duplicated by even smart technologies is the caring sector, the personal care sector.
17. Regrettably, he resorts to the familiar numbers game when he boasts that fewer than 300 state enterprises currently remain in the public sector.
18. To paraphrase President Bush, we must restore confidence in our economic sector.
19. Within the productive sector, there was a growth of a variety of specialist craftspeople.
20. Cafés certainly are a very competitive market sector.
21. The new salary deal for railway workers will be a bench mark for pay settlements in the public sector.
22. The effect of this has been to increasingly marginalize the local authority sector.
23. Public sector pay is also in line to be hit hard.
24. Sectors in the economy can be viewed in a variety of ways.
25. A small manufacturing sector inhibits growth in the economy.
26. It has been largely through the voluntary sector that the needs of victims have been met.
27. The agriculture sector must be placed at the center of development to cut in half extreme poverty and hunger by 2015.
28. The committee is comprised of representatives from both the public and private sectors.
29. The entire telecom sector has been suffering from a lack of sales.
30. This is a double whammy for public sector workers.
31. Hungary may have to lower its hopes of shrinking its state sector.
32. The idea is to divide up the country into four sectors.
33. It is the largest ever private foreign investment in the Bolivian mining sector.
34. The sector dam broke and its water drowned the entire valley.
35. Ministers want to see more interchange between the private sector and the civil service.
36. Most of the activities we do in my sector are in fact falls into the second area of the research.
37. The enemy have attacked the British sector.
38. A quarter of America's public-sector workers have a university degree.
39. Take just one sector of our economy, agriculture, to illustrate what I mean.
40. At stake are more than 20,000 jobs in Britain's aerospace sector.
41. We must all do more efforts to enhance the role of civil society and the private sector.
42. Make sure that your government does not cut your public sector in a downturn.
43. The Government is making the taxpayer pay to fatten up a public sector business for private sale.
44. Many such women are well known for their contributions in government, education, and the nonprofit sector.
45. Some experts believe that if the trend continues for much longer, further consolidation in the automotive sector is likely .
46. Nor had the benefits of the war years touched all sectors of the population.
47. Both countries suffer from soaring unemployment, large budget deficits and wobbly financial sectors.
48. The government was prepared to keep a tight hold on public sector pay rises.
49. Its recommendations are based on detailed comparisons between the public and private sectors.
50. In many sectors of the economy the recovery has started.
51. The Government were prepared to keep a tight hold on public sector pay rises.
52. This changed in the early part of the seventeenth century when horticulture became accepted as an agricultural sector.
53. The news from Body Shop rattled the rest of the retail sector.
54. In some sectors, where political correctness is a powerful force, I've been criticized for that.
55. British commercial television has been steadily losing its lead as the most advanced sector of the industry in Europe.
56. The private sector is increasing its spending so sharply that the economy is overheating.
57. Workers who went to the Gulf came from the poorest sectors of Pakistani society.
58. The retail sector has been a significant underperformer.
59. The export sector will aid the economic recovery.