Definition: 1. Admit, make a clean breast of. 2. To admit something that you feel ashamed or embarrassed about. 3. Confess to a punishable or reprehensible deed, usually under pressure. 4. Confess to God in the presence of a priest, as in the Catholic faith.
Use 'confess' in a sentence:
1. I must confess something to you.
2. She broke under questioning and confessed to everything.
3. I must confess I'm not a great enthusiast for long political programmes.
4. I will never confess that I could not see the stuff.
5. 'I played a very bad match,' he confessed.
6. Don't criticise others for their flaws if you are not willing to confess your own.
7. I confess I enter this in a skeptical frame of mind, believing that we tend to get carried away in our desire to reduce everything to the quantifiable.
8. I must confess to knowing nothing about computers.
9. Let us now confess our sins to Almighty God.
10. I have something to confess.
11. We have to confess that it's more than that.
12. "It grieves me to confess it had indeed escaped me," said Tom, in a hesitating voice; and blushed again.
13. I confess it's got me baffled.
14. 'It probably shows up a deeply immature part of my psyche,' he confesses.
15. Once we have confessed our failures and mistakes to God, we should stop feeling guilty.
16. I confess that with online surveys I just click the option that's closest to my mouse cursor to get the damn thing off my screen.
17. What has happened is that people cannot confess fully to their dreams, as easily and openly as once they could, lest they be thought pushing, acquisitive and vulgar.
18. He confessed after four days under interrogation.
19. I must confess that if I had been in the young lady's place, I would, at least, have swept the hearth and wiped the tables with a duster.
20. Confess what is wrong, then it can be settled.
21. Most people confess to a bad memory.
22. Her husband confessed to having had an affair.
23. I had expected her to confess that she only wrote these books for the money.
24. Although at this point, I have to confess that I only know a small percentage of people when we look at it from a global perspective.
25. I am half ashamed to confess it.
26. OK, I'll confess a weakness.
27. She confesses to having trouble finding Mr Right.
28. St. John paled, and hastened to say, "I was in fault, I do confess it."
29. He had a chance to confess and expiate his guilt.
30. Exhort her to confess the truth!
31. "I confess to being a big wuss," she admitted.
32. I confess myself bewildered by their explanation.
33. She was reluctant to confess her ignorance.
34. Ray changed his mind, claiming that he had been forced into confessing.
35. They were very polite, I must confess.
36. We persuaded her to confess her crime.
37. She confessed to the murder.
38. He confessed to having been a bundle of nerves.
39. He confessed: 'I thought I was finished.'
40. He confessed that he had stolen the money.
41. She confessed to her parents her desire to act.
42. Confess your sins to God and he will forgive you.
43. You just go to the church and confess your sins.
44. People who confess to feeling happy also grin more than others.
45. After hours of questioning, the suspect confessed.
46. She confessed her astonishment at her light sentence when her father visited her at the jail.
47. Mollie confesses she is rather partial to pink.
48. She confessed to the killing and led police to his remains.