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1. Originality by virtue of being refreshingly novel.
2. Originality by virtue of being new and surprising.
3. A small inexpensive mass-produced article.
4. Cheap showy jewelry or ornament on clothing.

Use 'novelty' in a sentence:

  1. It has a certain novelty and practical value also has practical significance.
  2. Having a mid-morning party certainly adds novelty value.
  3. There's little novelty in his writing.
  4. It was quite a novelty to spend my holidays working on a boat.
  5. There may well have been a piquant novelty about her books when they came out.
  6. My mother bought a novelty pen for me.
  7. They're treating it like a game, a novelty. That's got to stop.
  8. That may be a result of the novelty.
  9. Integral designed with novelty, delicate style and comprehensive function, the hotel and considerably grandiosity.
  10. But soon, the novelty wore off.
  11. Secondly, the content of this paper has certain novelty.
  12. "Had the Greeks held novelty in such disdain as we," asked Horace in his epistle, "what work of ancient date would now exist?"
  13. Hundreds of studies show that infants prefer novelty.
  14. Children are ever ready, when novelty knocks, to desert their dearest ones.
  15. Apart from general novelty, fads2 may be driven by mass media programming, emotional excitement, peer pressure, or the desire of 'being hip3'.
  16. For Edison as an inventor, novelty was always paramount: the overriding goal of the business of innovation was simply to generate funding for new inventions.
  17. Mixed techniques of laser, thermo cutting & broderie work create novelty embroideries with a pseudo fragility.
  18. Click-through rates have been high so far ( around 3 – 4%, compared with less than 0.3% online), but that may be a result of the novelty.
  19. There appears an endless stream of novelties.
  20. There are many novelty pencils.
  21. The first obstacle is novelty.
  22. Once the novelty wears off in the first month it 's a paper-weight.
  23. That may be a result of novelty.
  24. From the more relaxed to the more vigorous levels, sensitivity to novelty is increased.
  25. A shop selling novelties is popular in this city.
  26. Research on the Supporting System of Core Literature for Novelty Checking.
  27. The novelty of the situation intrigued him.
  28. In the decade after 1993, e-commerce grew from an insignificant novelty to a mainstream business influence.
  29. Research shows that trying new things together reinforces relationship happiness. Novelty not only provides more ways for us to connect, it gives us a new and renewed perspective on our partners.
  30. Analysis, design and realization of Scientific Novelty Archive Management System.
  31. Novelty releases the perceptual process from the chains of past experience and forces the brain to make new judgments.
  32. When you realise they are singing the same songs over again, the novelty wears off.
  33. Lifehack refers to any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency in all walks of life.
  34. Novelty ignites scintilla admittedly easily, novelty always also is the prelude of the distance.
  35. Novelty was beckoning to them as usual.
  36. Observation of iconoclasts shows that they embrace novelty while most people avoid things that are different.
  37. Novelty is a big factor.
  38. The simple things she said seemed like novelties.
  39. Yes, that's one reason Lin is a novelty.
  40. The behavior will normally fade quickly once the perception of novelty is gone.
  41. It came from the days when a motor car was a novelty.
  42. Some said that, once this novelty had worn off, cinema would fade away.
  43. You'll need a plastic mold. You can either use a novelty ice cube tray or small ice cream molds, or you can also use used plastic jello or pudding cups.
  44. Stores really like orange cauliflower because it's a novelty, it's something different.
  45. At Easter, we give them plastic eggs filled with small toys, novelties and coins.
  46. For many the philosophy was merely a fashion, and the novelty soon wore off.
  47. Seeing people queuing for food was a novelty.
  48. Electric-powered cars are still something of a novelty.
  49. It was fun working there at first but the novelty soon wore off.
  50. The problem with novelty, however, is that it tends to trigger the brain's fear system.
  51. I suppose it has a certain novelty value.
  52. In the contemporary western world, rapidly changing styles cater to a desire for novelty and individualism.
  53. Second, novelty itself frequently provokes disbelief.
  54. There's a certain novelty value in this approach.
  55. It's a bore to be sick, and the novelty of lying in bed all day wears off quickly.