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1. A dense growth of bushes.
2. An implement that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle.
3. Momentary contact.
4. Conducts current between rotating and stationary parts of a generator or motor.

Use 'brush' in a sentence:

  1. How often does the man brush his teeth?
  2. I'll brush the floor.
  3. She had a nasty brush with her boss this morning.
  4. All our protests were brushed aside.
  5. In his job he's had frequent brushes with death.
  6. In the morning, I brush my teeth as usual.
  7. Using a small brush, he brushed away the fine sawdust.
  8. You can buy brushes, paint, varnish and suchlike there.
  9. Take a sheet of filo pastry and brush it with melted butter.
  10. Something brushed against her leg.
  11. I brush my teeth three times a day.
  12. He brushed past, toppling her from her stool.
  13. How often should you brush your teeth?
  14. It is his third brush with the law in less than a year.
  15. The corporation is fighting to survive its second brush with bankruptcy.
  16. I had hoped to brush up my Spanish.
  17. Stains are removed with buckets of soapy water and scrubbing brushes.
  18. I felt her dark brown hair brushing the back of my shoulder.
  19. Brush the pastry with beaten egg.
  20. He brushed by with a perfunctory wave to the crowd.
  21. He brushed a cobweb out of his hair.
  22. John brushed a lock of hair from his eyes.
  23. Have you brushed your teeth?.
  24. I brush my teeth in my bathroom.
  25. I brush my teeth twice a day!
  26. Picking up a brush, Joanna parted her hair.
  27. You need to brush your teeth after sweets.
  28. When it's dry, brush the hair using a soft, nylon baby brush.
  29. My first brush with a headmaster came six years ago.
  30. Brush your teeth every day, dentists say.
  31. He brushed his hair back with both hands.
  32. You must brush your teeth everyday.
  33. I'm ready to brush my teeth!
  34. This brush was made from camel's hair.
  35. I wash it with a big brush.
  36. My brush is violet.
  37. She brushed away tears as she spoke of him.
  38. I must brush up on my Spanish before I go to Seville.
  39. The Christmas Tree is made by toilet brush.
  40. When you brush your teeth, do a good job.
  41. Apply the paint with a fine brush.
  42. The girl fixes her hair with her favorite brush.
  43. The painter's right hand holds the brush, the left the palette.
  44. He brushed her lips with his.
  45. She stood up and brushed the crumbs from her sweater.
  46. How often do you brush your teeth?
  47. He brushed the dirt off his jacket.
  48. My father would burst into the kitchen, brushing past my mother.
  49. You should give your teeth a good brush.
  50. Pass up the paint pot and brush.
  51. She brushed the powder out of her hair.
  52. He finished off the painting with a few deft strokes of the brush.
  53. Brush the sides of the tin with butter.
  54. He's giving a broad brush approach to the subject.
  55. The leaves brushed her cheek.
  56. He worked as a door-to-door salesman peddling cloths and brushes.
  57. My hair gets full of static when I brush it.
  58. Brush beaten egg over the pastry.
  59. Mud brushes off easily when it is dry.
  60. He dipped the brush into the paint.
  61. We gave him paint and brushes.
  62. He dipped his brush in the paint.
  63. A tiled floor is easy to brush clean.
  64. I gave it a quick brush with my hairbrush.
  65. Wet the brush slightly before putting it in the paint.
  66. She brushed past him.
  67. Keep still while I brush your hair.