Definition: 1. Something that remunerates. 2. A regular amount of money that you earn, usually every week, for work or services. 3. To begin and continue a war, a battle, etc.
Use 'wage' in a sentence:
1. In absolute terms British wages remain low by European standards.
2. The cost of your uniform will be deducted from your wages.
3. Wages are not keeping up with inflation.
4. Employers will use this agreement as a test in dealing with future wage claims.
5. There are extra benefits for people on low wages .
6. Raising the minimum wage is identified as a key way to address the income gap.
7. His wages have gone up.
8. We have two wage earners in the family.
9. They were on starvation wages.
10. Our economy is in an inflationary spiral of wage and price increases.
11. These people deserve to make more than the minimum wage.
12. For this scheme to work, the government must provide wage subsidies to compensate for lost pay due to the shorter hours.
13. Wages are low and the wastage rate of staff is high.
14. Things were difficult, and we needed her wages to keep going.
15. They waged a price war.
16. The fine will be taken out of your wages.
17. The unions are unlikely to accept any sort of wage restraint.
18. How can anyone live on such a miserable wage?
19. The value of what the student can produce is reflected in the wage employers are willing to pay the student to produce it.
20. This may end efforts to set a minimum wage well above the poverty line.
21. He alleged that a press campaign was being waged against him.
22. The staff have agreed to a voluntary wage freeze.
23. He agreed to hire her at slightly over minimum wage with two weeks' paid holiday.
24. If you're late, your wages will be docked.
25. Wage increases were eaten up by the rise in the cost of living.
26. You see, we get very low wages, most of the time less than the minimum wage.
27. Wage differences in the two areas are widening.
28. Some workers are legally employed, but the majority work unofficially with neither health insurance nor wage security.
29. That would upset the wage differential.
30. Wage control is the cornerstone of the government's economic policy.
31. Prices have risen but wages have not risen proportionately.
32. He's discontented with his wage.
33. The real wage of the average worker has increased by a factor of over ten in the last 70 years.
34. I think people would push to always increase that minimum wage.
35. Wage rates must be maintained in order to maintain the purchasing power of the consumer.
36. Until now, wage increases have always kept pace with inflation.
37. The wage disagreement is under arbitration.
38. Wage rates depend on levels of productivity.
39. Real wage costs have risen by 10% in the past year.
40. We bargained a new wage increase.
41. He worked a 16-hour day for a subsistence wage.
42. Such measures are needed to equalize wage rates between countries.
43. Wages are paid on Fridays.
44. The wage due to him will be paid tomorrow.
45. Dowie argued that the reduction, together with rapid wage growth, drove up prices.
46. We expect that the second part of the year will not be very good in terms of wage growth.
47. The staff have agreed to a voluntary wage freeze (= a situation in which wages are not increased for a time) .
48. I've had the idea for some time that Jack Green's been busy stirring things up in connection with the latest wage claim.
49. In the Middle Ages England waged war on France.
50. A low wage for elementary school teachers, however, doesn't mean elementary education isn't important.
51. A wage freeze was imposed on all staff earlier this month.
52. Are blue-collar workers at the university getting paid a decent wage? Are they compensated fairly?
53. The minimum wage was set at £ 3.20 an hour.
54. The government supported the unions in their demand for a minimum wage.
55. The government intends to institute court action against the firm which has disobeyed the wage controls.
56. I'm putting by part of my wages every week to buy a bike.
57. Some of them earn below the minimum wage.
58. Several hundreds of office workers in that company walked off their jobs in a wage dispute.
59. The rebels have waged a guerrilla war since 2001.
60. This latest rise is intended to keep wages level with inflation.
61. He gets a daily wage.
62. The union demands a 7% wage hike.
63. There are extra benefits for people on low wages.
64. They agreed on the broad outlines of a wage settlement.
65. Wage increases must be in line with inflation.
66. In other comparable countries real wages increased much more rapidly.
67. The manager amerced him of a day's wage.
68. The government's new law on wage and price control is diluted with exceptions.