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1. The emotion of great happiness.
2. Something or someone that provides pleasure; a source of happiness.
3. Feel happiness or joy.
4. Make glad or happy.

Use 'joy' in a sentence:

  1. There is no joy like joy in dreams.
  2. Gerda wept for joy.
  3. She felt she had run the gamut of human emotions from joy to despair.
  4. Salter shouted with joy.
  5. It was th' joy that mattered.
  6. She jumped with joy.
  7. The king was wild with joy.
  8. Childhood had less freedom and joy than we sentimentally attribute to it.
  9. Sharing our joy with other people brings us more joy.
  10. Her three children brought her joy.
  11. To his great joy, she accepted.
  12. We wanted more joy.
  13. His heart sang for joy.
  14. More men are finding out that the joys of work have been overrated.
  15. She brought joy to countless people through her music.
  16. They expect no joy from the vote itself.
  17. It was a joy to see her looking so well.
  18. His expression changed from amazement to joy.
  19. Her heart beat so fast and she was full to the brim with joy.
  20. Her face was a joy to behold.
  21. Let's sing a song of joy.
  22. I just broke down and wept with tears of joy.
  23. He jumped for joy on being told the news.
  24. I exulted and wept for joy.
  25. Huck's joy was quenched.
  26. The joy turned to tragedy during his years in Cyprus.
  27. There was genuine joy in this room.
  28. At first people were sort of crying for joy and embracing each other.
  29. If you don't get any joy, get in touch with your local councillor.
  30. Their joy was short.
  31. I jumped for joy.
  32. They were able to share their common joys and griefs.
  33. The crowds were delirious with joy.
  34. There was unrestrained joy on the faces of the people.
  35. One of them said the two dead joy riders got what they deserved.
  36. The game was a joy to watch.
  37. Joy mingled with surprise.
  38. The chorus was singing "The Ode to Joy."
  39. She laughed with pure joy.
  40. It should have been an occasion for rejoicing, but she could not feel any real joy.
  41. He wept for joy.
  42. We complained about our rooms but got no joy from the manager.
  43. She had given him the only joy his arid life had ever known.
  44. The children are wild with joy.
  45. I didn't expect them to jump for joy at the news.
  46. It was a joy to see. It really made my day.
  47. May joy and peace abide in us all.
  48. She gave a shout of joy.
  49. The bike soon became his pride and joy.
  50. The team's victory produced scenes of joy all over the country.