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1. Happen or occur again.
2. Return in thought or speech to something.
3. Have recourse to.

Use 'recur' in a sentence:

  1. US late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel features a recurring "Lie Witness News" section in his program.
  2. The bleeding is more severe than usual and the attacks of pain recur every 7 to 10 minutes.
  3. The recurring decimal 3.999 … is also described as 3.9 recurring.
  4. Crowd mentality changes slowly, and price patterns recur, albeit with variations.
  5. We have to recur to arms for guarding our national dignity.
  6. The women complained of recurring episodes of temporary vision loss for up to 15 minutes.
  7. Whether you undergo surgery to improve vision or appearance, eyelid drooping can recur over time.
  8. The builder recur to the matter of the cost of remodel our house.
  9. You must select at least one day on which you want the appointment to recur.
  10. Once the drugs are stopped, however, symptoms typically recur.
  11. She'll first appear in episode 312 and recur.
  12. Over the last 7 years, I have noticed certain recurring misconceptions among these organizations.
  13. They recurred to the reform of the economic structure.
  14. This kind of problem is recurring often.
  15. Archetypes are universal concepts and patterns that recur within a domain or across domains.
  16. Emerging-market crises have been too quickly forgotten, which only makes them more likely to recur.
  17. The recurring theme of monsters and spirits is not entirely the choice of theartists themselves.
  18. This theme recurs constantly throughout the opera.
  19. This painting points to another recurring theme in Munch's work.
  20. This source of doubt would not so perpetually recur.
  21. Let us recur to the subject later on.
  22. There, a dedicated technician tests the drive to see whether a detected fault is likely to recur.
  23. Any problem as yet unsettled that tends to recur in your thoughts during the day is suitable subject.
  24. When his wife left him he had to recur to drinking.
  25. They usually disappear over several weeks and do not recur.
  26. Recur at a specified time interval.
  27. If it's recurring and not tied to anything specific, it may suggest a lack of confidence.
  28. The dream recur throughout her life.
  29. Leap year recurs every four years.
  30. Leap years recur every four years.
  31. Recurring revenue is the best form of revenue.
  32. Researchers studied 66 people with recurring migraines over the course of seven attacks.
  33. Episodes of mania and depression typically recur across the life span.
  34. However, one major recurring challenge remains: the country's weak protection rights regarding intellectual property.
  35. The same old favourites recur year in year out with monotonous regularity.
  36. While some are recurring traditions, others are as recent as a couple of weeks ago.
  37. Fortunately, gout is treatable, and there are ways to reduce the risk that gout will recur.
  38. This theme recurs several times throughout the book.
  39. Overcoming recurring clashes over customers" security and privacy in China is crucial to Apple's revenue growth.
  40. I still have this recurring nightmare.
  41. You can create tests to verify that fixes to problems are permanent and that the same problems don't recur.
  42. As an application begins to take shape, problems often recur in various parts of the application.
  43. recur Leap year recurs every four years, and in that year February has 29 days.
  44. I graduated with the Class of 1989, 17 years ago, and I still have this recurring nightmare.
  45. A number of themes recur.
  46. IN ALMOST any discussion of religion and Africa, stereotypes recur.
  47. The electric lamps went out so we had to recur to candles to light the room.
  48. Your attitude to the advice of the psychiatrist will affect whether your nightmare recur or not.
  49. For our own country, it has been a time for recurring trial.
  50. If we reject them, the nightmares may recur or worsen it.
  51. Mandela has suffered for years from recurring lung infections that began during his 27 years in prison.
  52. My grandmother's illness is likely to recur.
  53. The army will recur to the use of force.
  54. Done right, a new European architecture may ensure that such a crisis does not recur.
  55. The noble qualities and deeds of Kong Fansen often recur to me.
  56. The case studies confirmed that many issues recur.
  57. Let us recur to what was said at this morning's meeting.
  58. We to recur to arms for guarding our national dignity.
  59. Does history / the past repeat itself? ie Do similar events or situations recur?
  60. DeDe made her inaugural Modern Family appearance during season one and recurred six times throughout the show's run.
  61. The path of a planet appears to consist of loops that recur regularly.
  62. Let us recur to the problem discussed last night.
  63. Two themes recur throughout our discussion of welfare economics.
  64. The symptoms tend to recur.
  65. But in order for that result to recur, the nagging will have to recur.
  66. There is not much agreement on the answers, but two themes recur in many explanations.
  67. I shall recur to the subject later on.
  68. Let us recur to the principles which we have worked out.
  69. Of course, many problems recur at various periods.
  70. For our own country, it has been a time of recurring trial.
  71. Random, on the other hand, thought she was trapped in a recurring nightmare.
  72. I will recur to the history of this bridge later.
  73. What attitude you'll adopt to the psychologist's will affect whether the nightmare recur.
  74. Although the infection often results in few symptoms, in approximately five per cent of patients it can recur as a regular infection.
  75. If the swelling should recur, please take this medicine immediately.
  76. Although these mild episodes of mania last only two or three days, they recur frequently, Merikangas said.
  77. If you click Test, the test will be repeated, and the error could recur.
  78. But because of recurring security problems, we've had to suspend those for the time being.
  79. U.S. President Joe Biden says the recurring natural disasters show that the climate crisis is real.
  80. The nation may have to recur to unusual methods of controlling rising prices.