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1. A great success, achievement or victory.
2. A successful ending of a struggle or contest.
3. The exultation of victory.
4. Prove superior.
5. Be ecstatic with joy.

Use 'triumph' in a sentence:

  1. The fantastic achievements of modern technology and the speed at which scientific discoveries are translated into technological applications attest to the triumph of human endeavour.
  2. He was punching the air in triumph.
  3. She gave a little crow of triumph.
  4. An act that is, as Samuel Johnson wrote, the triumph of hope over experience.
  5. His final round was a signal triumph in a career marked by many sweet moments.
  6. He came up to me with the glint of triumph in his eye.
  7. Her triumph was a cause for celebration.
  8. It was a modernist triumph, and many elements remain central features of today's kitchen.
  9. He was laughing with triumph.
  10. France triumphed 3 – 0 in the final.
  11. It was the longest-distance repair job in history, and a triumph for the NASA engineers.
  12. Songs of triumph are heard all round and good news keeps pouring in.
  13. Winning the championship again after three years is a great triumph for them.
  14. All her life, Kelly had stuck with difficult tasks and challenges, and triumphed.
  15. In the moment of triumph I felt uneasy.
  16. The winning team returned home in triumph, receiving cheers and applause from their fans at the airport.
  17. It was his hour of triumph.
  18. It's a triumph for the American people.
  19. They will only triumph by persevering in their struggle against natural calamities.
  20. They partook of our triumph.
  21. Hence our army must and certainly will triumph.
  22. It's the triumph over all the difficulties not the award that makes us happy.
  23. For years, Chinese soccer fans have rarely had the chance to cheer for a triumph from the national team.
  24. He had one last triumph, which I think we need not grudge him.
  25. His triumph was overshadowed by an uneasy sense of foreboding.
  26. The winning team returned home in triumph.
  27. We should learn to triumph over our own shortcomings.
  28. Beyond that, the triumph of recorded sound has overshadowed the rich diversity of technological and aesthetic experiments with the visual image that were going forward simultaneously in the 1920s.
  29. The Triumph of death, the dialogue of the mathematician Pascal is quoted by Rabb.
  30. Cataract operations are a triumph of modern surgery, with a success rate of more than 90 percent.
  31. Our team triumphed over theirs.
  32. If we find the answer to that problem, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason.
  33. What price a glorious repeat of last week's triumph?
  34. The visit was a triumph, and he said to a friend excitedly, "I was able to convince Hilbert of the general theory of relativity."
  35. The championships proved to be a personal triumph for the coach, Dave Donovan.
  36. If we discover a complete theory, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason.
  37. News of their triumph was flashed around the world.
  38. The President is keen to notch a political triumph that would foster freer world trade and faster economic growth.
  39. His lip was curled with malicious triumph.
  40. The publishers were flushed with triumph when they secured rights to her novel.
  41. The whole world looked to her as a symbol of good triumphing over evil.
  42. It was a personal triumph over her old rival.
  43. 'That's much too subtle, even for Sam.' — 'Even for Sam!' He pounced on the phrase with a sound of triumph.
  44. There was a jarring note of triumph in his voice.
  45. Good shall triumph over evil in the end.
  46. As is usual in this kind of movie, good triumphs over evil in the end.
  47. The triumph of sound cinema was swift, complete, and enormously popular.
  48. He got through without a mistake--flawless and precious triumph.
  49. Even the quality papers agreed that it was a triumph.
  50. He did a little dance of triumph.
  51. The team's win was greeted as a major triumph.
  52. A replica of the Arch de Triumph that usually stands in Paris has been transported to Tokyo Bay for the festival.
  53. I also enjoyed the sights of the Arch of Triumph.
  54. Her arrest was a triumph of international cooperation.
  55. The bridge is a triumph of modern engineering.
  56. Her sense of triumph was short-lived.