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1. Imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind.
2. To become aware of something by using your eyes.
3. To have or use the power of sight.
4. Get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally.

Use 'see' in a sentence:

  1. Can you see without your glasses?
  2. I'll see you tomorrow evening.
  3. We'll see. It's a possibility.
  4. Bugger me! Did you see that?
  5. Shelley was overjoyed to see me.
  6. I could see she was lonely.
  7. Cheerio! I'll see you later.
  8. You simply must see the play.
  9. I've yet to see all the players in action.
  10. I haven't seen him in years.
  11. There's a gentleman to see you.
  12. I can't see it anywhere.
  13. We came specially to see you.
  14. Did you see what happened?
  15. Can I see your authorization?
  16. I'll see you Thursday week.
  17. I hope we'll see more of you.
  18. It's great to see you again.
  19. I'll see what I can do to help.
  20. I hate to see you unhappy.
  21. No one wishes to see that.
  22. I see he's become a family man.
  23. It's easily the best play I've seen this year.
  24. Keep down! You mustn't let anyone see you.
  25. 'See you later!' she called.
  26. I don't think she saw the point of the story.
  27. I can't see any future in this relationship.
  28. As time went by we saw less and less of each other.
  29. I see things differently now.
  30. I can't see you now ─ some other time, maybe.
  31. Now let me see ─ how old is she now?
  32. If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself!
  33. I'll see you in the new year.
  34. Bring it into the light so I can see it.
  35. It's good to see you again.
  36. I saw her on the far side of the road.
  37. I asked to see the manager.
  38. Did you see the manager himself?
  39. I'll come and see you soon.
  40. I would very much like to see you again.
  41. When did you last see him?
  42. When will I see you again?
  43. The picture looks very different when you see it close to.
  44. Come on! Quick! They'll see us!
  45. It's fascinating to see how different people approach the problem.
  46. You could see from his face that he was lying.
  47. Just think how nice it would be to see them again.
  48. I hate to see animals suffering.
  49. That's the best movie I've seen in years.
  50. The way I see it, you have three main problems.
  51. It's wonderful to see you!
  52. It's wonderful to see you.
  53. You've grown since the last time I saw you!
  54. We will likely see him later.
  55. I couldn't get close enough to see.
  56. I want to see the job through to the finish.
  57. Down through the years this town has seen many changes.
  58. I could still see the airport buildings far below.
  59. This was one aspect of her character he hadn't seen before.