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1. Very different from each other and of various kinds.
2. Many and different.
3. Distinctly dissimilar or unlike.

Use 'diverse' in a sentence:

  1. Moreover, people in diverse cultures recognize the emotions manifested by the facial expressions.
  2. Edison's lab tested carbonized filaments made from plants as diverse as baywood, boxwood, hickory, cedar, flax and bamboo.
  3. In life, there are different kinds of lies and diverse contexts in which they're told.
  4. Now that these are essentially standardised, bigger and more diverse systems can emerge.
  5. Will ZvZ matchups a more diverse selection of units beyond Zerglings, Roaches, and Mutalisks?
  6. I would contribute my individual and unique colors to create a more diverse universe.
  7. Hutchison's executives and staff are a multicultural as diverse as the reach of the corporation's operations.
  8. Research has found that having access to diverse teachers is beneficial for children.
  9. Although the climate remained as unpredictable as ever between one year and the next, it became much less locally diverse.
  10. In addition, customers' requirements also become individual and diverse.
  11. Cuba is a composite of diverse traditions and people.
  12. Believers and unbelievers are diverse peoples.
  13. Data optimization techniques including diverse correction procedures are also discussed.
  14. During the presidential campaign, Barack Obama assembled a racially and ideologically diverse coalition with his message of hope and change.
  15. You may want one large list to serve diverse needs.
  16. Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.
  17. These audiences will be more diverse and geographically dispersed than in the past.
  18. The boy is only 5 years old, but his interests are very diverse.
  19. Spain is a composite of diverse traditions and people.
  20. It will also show colleges we are diverse students.
  21. The loading surface has been designed to hold various load - bed units for diverse purposes.
  22. People from diverse cultures work together in this company.
  23. Our town is not very diverse, majority white.
  24. It is geographically more diverse than any other continent.
  25. The merging of diverse peoples into a common mass has produced tension among members of the minorities and the majority alike.
  26. Should sickness propagation mode be diverse, by through crowd intimate contact dissemination primarily.
  27. However, developing qualities requires mastering a range of skills which are diverse and sometimes surprising.
  28. Beidaihe is more complicated geological structure, internally diverse landscape types.
  29. Jones has a much more diverse and perhaps younger audience.
  30. However, any interpretation that seeks to unify all of the novel's diverse elements is bound to be somewhat unconvincing.
  31. Developing a drug to stop such a diverse and rapidly changing array has proved impossible.
  32. Albert Jones' new style will inevitably put him in touch with a much more diverse and perhaps younger audience.
  33. Innovative science produces new propositions in terms of which diverse phenomena can be related to one another in more coherent ways.
  34. Predators are an essential factor in maintaining communities that are rich and diverse in species.
  35. In ecology the word describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time.
  36. Dale is an account executive who attended one of my workshops on supervising a diverse workforce.
  37. In all these diverse regions, Agassiz saw signs of glacial erosion and sedimentation.
  38. In life, there are different kinds of lies and diverse context in which they're told.
  39. Whatever the measure, within that massive group, poverty is extremely diverse.
  40. Answers to this question would be many and diverse, yet almost no one would reply, "Music means nothing to me."
  41. It is true that many people do have diverse opinions about the need to protect our world.
  42. The internet is making news more participatory, social and diverse, reviving the discursive characteristics of the era before the mass media.
  43. Although these states and their people are diverse , they share the common goal of economic development.
  44. States with the most racially diverse populations stand in stark contrast to those with the least racially diverse populations.
  45. It's a diverse environment with water tending to be bluish near the surface and reddish deeper down.
  46. The Judaeo-Christian tradition is diverse, jumbled, contradictory, at every point inviting inquiry and debate.
  47. Most courses offer a wide and diverse range of units for students to select each term.
  48. These turned out to be highly diverse: it seems that ants are continually domesticating new species.
  49. The level of complexity here refers to the organization of people into large, diverse groups, and densely populated communities.
  50. My interests are very diverse.
  51. They are the people from diverse cultures.
  52. News exchanges between EBC and the mainland are close, diverse and regular.
  53. There are diverse birds in the forest.
  54. Our portfolio is very diverse, it includes companies located in the Midwest and Southwestern United States.
  55. The company owns a very diverse library of Arabic music.
  56. My collectionis rally diverse because I've traveled all over the world to find them.
  57. But this group is linguistically, culturally, and even genetically diverse.
  58. Society is now much more diverse than ever before.
  59. To start things off, it is very simple; Men are just as diverse as women.
  60. Davies has managed to pursue his diverse interests in parallel with his fast-moving career.
  61. Few investigators would attribute such diverse effects to a single cause.
  62. Coral reefs are one of the most fragile, biologically complex, and diverse marine ecosystems on Earth.
  63. The Sahara is a highly diverse, albeit dry, region that has undergone major climatic changes since 10,000 B.C.