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1. One of greater rank or station or quality.
2. Of high or superior quality or performance.
3. Of or characteristic of high rank or importance.

Use 'superior' in a sentence:

  1. I want to reiterate that our conventional weapons are superior.
  2. Japan's higher education is superior to theirs.
  3. A superior benefit package and an attractive incentive programme are included.
  4. His men were far superior numerically.
  5. We have a relationship infinitely superior to those of many of our friends.
  6. We should consider every navvy superior to Shakespeare.
  7. Locally passed laws are of superior authority to those laws passed in Moscow.
  8. Congress needs to find the courage to allow Medicare to pay preferentially for treatments proven to be superior.
  9. Of the two books, I think this one is superior.
  10. Anthony sometimes felt that his mistress was his superior in willpower.
  11. He is my immediate superior in the company.
  12. The company president, and my immediate superior, was the dynamic Harry Stokes.
  13. People make cutting remarks to help themselves feel superior or powerful.
  14. If your superior asks you to do something, it is your job.
  15. The suit is being heard in Superior Court in San Francisco.
  16. This model is technically superior to its competitors.
  17. Time has winnowed out certain of the essays as superior.
  18. The colonel lifted the phone and dialled his superior.
  19. We do not ascribe a superior wisdom to government or the state.
  20. This could make your superiors hesitate to trust you with major responsibilities.
  21. A few years ago it was virtually impossible to find superior quality coffee in local shops.
  22. Long-term stock market investments have produced superior returns compared with cash deposits.
  23. You can stand there and feel superior as you point and laugh at them.
  24. I've personally never subscribed to the view that either sex is superior to the other.
  25. The enemy was tactically superior.
  26. He's my immediate superior.
  27. The US also had superior firepower.
  28. Our side has the superior position.
  29. Human numerical instincts are not so superior to those of other mammals as is generally believed.
  30. When, and only when, these behaviors occur, does an authority relationship exist between the superior and subordinate.
  31. Hunger and wretchedness rise superior to fears in the long run.
  32. Lulu was said to be of very superior intelligence.
  33. The State Supreme Court upheld the Superior Court judge's decision.
  34. Officials failed to pass vital information to their superiors.
  35. Like other outsiders, I was continually impressed by their superior understanding of the ecology we shared.
  36. The historical reason the U.S. has stuck with magstripe, ironically enough, is once superior technology.
  37. Malone got to his feet and followed his superior out of the suite.
  38. His stubborn resistance to anything new eventually wore out the patience of his superiors.
  39. I'm going to complain to your superiors.
  40. His immediate superior has singled him out for a special mention.
  41. Finch gave a superior smile.
  42. Their superior military strength gives them a huge advantage.
  43. The U.S. also had superior firepower.
  44. He always looks so superior.
  45. The demonstrators fled when they saw the authorities' superior numbers.
  46. Through superior production techniques they were able to gain the competitive edge.
  47. Our superior technology is our ace in the hole.
  48. Liverpool were clearly the superior team.
  49. Other army units are completely surrounded and cut-off from communication with their superiors.