Definition: 1. Measured or judged by how similar or different it is to something else. 2. The form of an adjective or adverb that expresses more in amount, degree or quality.
Use 'comparative' in a sentence:
1. So I had to do a comparative study of the alternatives.
2. Mr. Deming explains it in terms of the economic notion of comparative advantage.
3. such as economics and comparative history,
4. I soon grew accustomed to this bizarre arrangement, likewise to the comparative darkness surrounding us.
5. It also says China's traditional export strengths will be maintained, and new comparative advantages and competitive strengths will be created.
6. Play allows a young animal to explore its environment and practice skill in comparative safety since the surrounding adults generally do not expect the young to deal with threats or predators.
7. In this unit, are many adjectives. Please write their comparatives.
8. But Germany runs a huge trade surplus and has a strong comparative ad-vantage in manufactures.
9. Comparative outcome assessments can help rank effectiveness of interventions.
10. In this respect, the proceeding was functionally similar to a comparative licensing adjudication.
11. This limitation derives from Nakane's methodology—that of oral history—which cannot substitute for a broader theoretical or comparative perspective.
12. Its comparative simplicity made it cheap tomanufacture, as well as reliable and easy to maintain.
13. In doing so, he was an early pioneer of comparative neuroanatomy.
14. What's the next step for the study of China through the comparative lens?
15. The two heap dumps facilitate comparative analysis using MDD4J.
16. The company is a comparative newcomer to the software market.
17. Comparative advantage is shifting to high value-added sectors.
18. Comparative - and cost-effectiveness research.
19. the crabs return to the comparative safety of the deep, leaving behind only their old, empty shells.
20. The PRIOR operator can be located left or right of the comparative operator.
21. Baldwin describes very well how this changes the simple country-by-country focus of comparative advantage, with some real-world case studies.
22. Some versions provide for comparative analysis of multiple dumps.
23. MIT Comparative Media Studies offers both undergraduate degree opportunities and a two-year course of study leading to an SM degree.
24. If 'Cardenio' existed, it would redefine the concept of comparative literature.
25. James Bruce Falls is a comparative trickle when viewed alongside more mammoth waterfalls.
26. The comparative of "pretty" is "prettier."
27. "Right" and "wrong" are just comparative terms.
28. Its enablers are the laws of comparative advantage and economies of scale.
29. This is your comparative advantage.
30. Mei's comparative studies of Chinese and Western mathematics and astronomy expanded on the earlier work of Xu Guangqi ( 1562~ 1633).
31. With the comparative free time, I started to dabble in development.
32. But its comparative advantage has deeper roots.
33. Then he was living in comparative comfort.
34. We were listening to a lecture on psychic phenomena in our Comparative Religions course.
35. But little comparative research on this has yet been done.
36. My eyes soon grew accustomed to this comparative gloom.
37. Sometimes this means changing, not just exploiting, their comparative advantage.
38. A Washington newspaper published comparative profiles of the candidates' wives.
39. I am originally from Jordan. And I teach comparative literature at Queens College. It is not Harvard.
40. The list is compiled based on measuring the comparative cost of more than 200 items in each location.
41. She escaped to the comparative serenity of the kitchen.
42. For its time and as far as it goes, the 19th-century theory of comparative advantage is fine.
43. The ministry did not give comparative numbers for 2014.
44. a comparative study of the educational systems of two countries.
45. Do not let the comparative simplicity of this exposition deceive you.
46. The expedition was a comparative success.
47. The electrical property of flame-retardant engineering plastics, especially comparative tracking index (CTI) is described.
48. Let's make a comparative study of the two languages.
49. Other comparative measures are equally alarming.
50. After many hardships, he now lives in comparative ease.
51. For one thing, it contradicts Ricardian comparative advantage.
52. Due to the furiousness of competition and comparative deficiency of management, it also presents some inner problems before us.
53. The task was accomplished with comparative ease.
54. The accursed shark alone can in any generic respect be said to bear comparative analogy to the dog.