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1. A sweet dish eaten at the end of a meal.
2. Any of various soft thick unsweetened baked dishes.

puddingpudding Image.

Use 'pudding' in a sentence:

  1. This soup tasted really boring before so I added some spices, but I think I've over-egged the pudding.
  2. I'll try the butter pudding.
  3. We use spoons to eat pudding.
  4. Do you remember that great snow pudding for Thanksgiving?
  5. Later, making banana pudding became a cherished family tradition.
  6. "A boy who never ate his rice pudding."
  7. I'm still hungry, can I have some more pudding?
  8. Small dishes, shared meals and "mixing it up" is not something commonly done in Britain, but Yorkshire Pudding will bring full dishes to the table and offer individual plates for each diner.
  9. Here she comes on pudding time to resolve the question.
  10. If you over-egg the pudding with too much information, your students will not understand.
  11. Hooray for the fun! Is the pudding done?
  12. Do you like skin on your rice pudding?
  13. Get inside and get your pudding.
  14. The proof is in the pudding. Who's making better applications?
  15. This is a mould of pudding.
  16. She puts some sugar in the pudding. The pudding looks good.
  17. I haven't made a pudding today.
  18. This pudding have two pound of fresh fruit in it.
  19. The only finishing touch most of these puddings need is a custard sauce.
  20. What a delicious pudding it is!
  21. If you're telling lies, keep it simple ─ never over-egg the pudding.
  22. They served apple pudding for dessert.
  23. All that she would have to do was warm up the pudding.
  24. He asked his wife for more pudding, and as he ate, he threw the bones under the table.
  25. I tend to stick to fresh fruit for pudding.
  26. He had two helpings of pudding.
  27. That rice pudding was the first solid food he's eaten since his operation.
  28. Would you like some rice pudding?
  29. The mother said nothing, but gave him a large dish of black pudding, and Marleen still wept without ceasing.
  30. I believed you at first, but you've over-egged the pudding now!
  31. If you're telling lies, keep it simple—never over-egg the pudding.
  32. Bread pudding is one of the most popular cake puddings.
  33. Matthew Hill, senior manager at the two-year-old SoHo restaurant Yorkshire Pudding, also uses better ingredients as a means of improving dishes.
  34. Encourage family members to use unfinished rice to make rice puddings.
  35. Serve the pudding, and pass around a bowl of yogurt to go with it.
  36. Do you need a second helping of pudding?
  37. Maybe you can try our bread pudding .
  38. I must try that pudding.
  39. Blood sausage is from England. It is also called black pudding.
  40. We sat down to dinner, a very English noe& roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes, and cabbage grown in their own garden.
  41. That was when I discovered the pudding in the fridge.
  42. Doubtless a piece of boiled beef can always be 16 up on Sunday alongside some steamed vegetables, without the Yorkshire pudding and no wine.
  43. A piece of boiled beef can always be served up on Sunday alongside some steamed vegetables, without the Yorkshire pudding and no wine.
  44. Anyone who couldn't afford to buy those basics, including a helping of pease pudding with bacon on Sunday, was below the poverty line.
  45. The pudding is quick and easy and needs little attention once in the oven.
  46. Let the pudding chill for an hour until set.
  47. She put her spoon into the pudding.
  48. You'll need a plastic mold. You can either use a novelty ice cube tray or small ice cream molds, or you can also use used plastic jello or pudding cups.
  49. We found the apple pie pudding too good to resist. Sure enough, it was delicious.
  50. She used to make all these chocolate puddle puddings, you know, with the sauce underneath and all this sort of thing.
  51. What's for pudding?
  52. We found the English treacle pudding too good to resist. Sure enough, it was delicious.
  53. And, he conducted experiments to test the plum pudding model.
  54. Has anyone here ever had plum pudding?
  55. On one condition. Have another plum pudding.