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1. The act of going to see some person or place or thing for a short time.
2. Go to certain places as for sightseeing.
3. Come to see in an official or professional capacity.

Use 'visit' in a sentence:

  1. This hotel is worth a return visit.
  2. You learn a language better if you visit the country where it is spoken.
  3. The museum is certainly worth a visit.
  4. Their visit put us to a lot of expense.
  5. The president's visit is loaded with symbolic significance.
  6. The US president is making a return visit to Moscow.
  7. Helen had recently paid him a visit.
  8. He made an official visit to Tokyo in March.
  9. Much has changed since my last visit.
  10. It's my first visit to New York.
  11. She went to visit relatives in Wales.
  12. We had a visit from the police last night.
  13. She noticed a marked difference in the children on her second visit.
  14. If you have time, pay a visit to the local museum.
  15. They're on an exchange visit to France.
  16. They visit us every other week.
  17. The President visited the area to see the devastation at first hand.
  18. I timed our visit for March 7.
  19. Come and visit with me some time.
  20. Reaction to the visit is mixed.
  21. You can have whoever you like to visit you.
  22. She will try and visit tomorrow.
  23. We'd like you to come and visit us.
  24. He has to visit them on the sly.
  25. There's nothing in the world I'd like more than to visit New York.
  26. She gave a talk on her visit to China.
  27. We hope to visit the cathedral, if time permits.
  28. He gave us a very sketchy account of his visit.
  29. The college is playing host to a group of visiting Russian scientists.
  30. I went back to visit my old school.
  31. She made a resolution to visit her relatives more often.
  32. In the evenings, friends would visit.
  33. She had a dim recollection of the visit.
  34. The castle is well worth a visit.
  35. This restaurant is well worth a visit.
  36. The Queen is on a state visit to Moscow.
  37. I'm going to the hospital to visit my brother.
  38. For current prices please visit our website.
  39. It is a long time since he has visited his native Chile.
  40. I want you to come visit me.
  41. I have an open invitation to visit my friend in Japan.
  42. Her account of the visit sent us into fits of laughter.
  43. We paid a fleeting visit to Paris.
  44. For details visit our website at www.harpercollins.com.
  45. One place I'd really like to visit is Bali.
  46. She kept her promise to visit them.
  47. We should really go and visit them soon.
  48. I try to visit my parents every few weeks.
  49. The tour included a visit to the Science Museum.
  50. I was granted permission to visit the palace.
  51. I'm going to visit my uncle.
  52. The visit was conducted with all due ceremonial.
  53. President Bush is due to visit the country next month.
  54. Is this a social visit, or is it business?
  55. The former president paid an unofficial visit to China.
  56. Come and visit us if you're ever in our part of the world.
  57. She gave an interesting talk on her visit to China.
  58. You should visit your dentist at least twice a year.