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1. An act of going somewhere suddenly and/or quickly.
2. A quick run.
3. A footrace run at top speed.

Use 'dash' in a sentence:

  1. Add a dash of lemon juice.
  2. The Prince was driving with great fire and dash.
  3. Oh, Tim! I'm sorry but I have to dash.
  4. The boat was dashed repeatedly against the rocks.
  5. He came in third in the hundred-meter dash.
  6. The Vietnam War dashed President Johnson's hopes of a second term of office.
  7. The swung dash (~) is used in various ways in punctuation.
  8. He dashed off to lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe.
  9. He jumped off the bus and made a dash for the nearest bar.
  10. When the doors opened, there was a mad dash for seats.
  11. A man's life summed up in a dash.
  12. They began running again, broke cover and dashed towards the road.
  13. Hand clamped over his mouth, he made a dash for the bathroom.
  14. As soon as the class was over, I made a dash for the bus station.
  15. I made a dash for the front door but he got there before me.
  16. You only have an hour to complete the game so it's a mad dash against the clock.
  17. These were the years of dash and daring.
  18. Only a mad dash got them to the meeting on time.
  19. I dashed past him and out of the door.
  20. Now, let's add another dash of reality.
  21. "We can only speculate as to how the Egyptians could have laid out these lines with such precision using only the tools they had," Dash writes.
  22. If you're determined to cut a dash in a designer dress, consider hiring one.
  23. The announcement dashed hopes of an early end to the crisis.
  24. He cut quite a dash in his uniform.
  25. He has both skill and dash.
  26. As soon as the teacher opens the door, I dash into the classroom.
  27. If a section has a dash or special character in it, the word is probably too long.
  28. I have to dash now.
  29. He's in a dash to get Russia back into Europe.
  30. Engineer Glen Dash says his team used a new measuring approach that involved finding any surviving remnants of the casing in order to determine where the original edge was.
  31. The flies settled on Satan again. He sneezed a wad of snot onto the dash.
  32. The waves were dashing against the harbour wall.
  33. See you tomorrow night. Must dash now.
  34. The rug adds a dash of colour to the room.
  35. When performing, he positions his instruments in a way that is deliberately inconvenient, so that switching from guitar to organ mid-song involves a mad dash across the stage.
  36. He would be "Alastair", a conjuror's assistant, still with the spectacles (a solitary dash of unruliness) but in a neat grey suit.
  37. The delay in the programme has dashed Japan's hopes of commercial success in space.
  38. It is nothing for a big, strong schoolboy to elbow an elderly woman aside in the dash for the last remaining seat on the tube or bus, much less stand up and offer his seat to her, as he ought.
  39. He made a wild dash for the door.
  40. I must dash, I'm late.
  41. Let me congratulate you on your winning first place in the 100 metre dash.
  42. They dashed off to Paris for a couple of days.
  43. Can you improve your health through your current clothing, without having to dash out and buy a whole new wardrobe?
  44. Dash it all. It's just not playing the game, is it?
  45. The name cannot end with a dash.
  46. Excuse me, I must dash off now.
  47. Sparks of molten steel dash in all directions.
  48. He made a dash for the bus.
  49. I dashed off a note to my brother.
  50. Political hopes for a swift and smooth transition to democracy have been dashed.
  51. I ran the brush through my hair and dashed out.
  52. The boy dashed out into the road.
  53. If the sauce seems too sweet, add a dash of red wine vinegar.