Home » words » typical example sentences



1. Conforming to a type.
2. Happening in the usual way.

Use 'typical' in a sentence:

  1. Picture a typical MBA lecture theatre twenty years ago.
  2. Typical English weather ─ one minute it's raining and the next minute the sun is shining.
  3. A typical fluorescent lamp is a tube with metal electrodes at each end.
  4. Half a century later GM is a typical example of poor management.
  5. The elderly man may not be typical, but he speaks for a significant body of opinion.
  6. Typical resolutions include giving up smoking and keeping fit.
  7. It was typical of her to forget.
  8. A typical PDA can function as a mobile phone and a personal organizer.
  9. He handed over the money with typical bad grace.
  10. They are typical of couples who plan a family without reckoning on the small fortune it will cost.
  11. Her center is typical of many across the country — a non-profit organization that cares for about 50 children.
  12. It was typical family entertainment.
  13. With typical energy he found new journalistic outlets.
  14. A typical working day for me begins at 7.30.
  15. His job is a typical nine to five, Monday to Friday job.
  16. They don't realize how typical their experiences are.
  17. Typical English weather—one minute it's raining and the next minute the sun is shining.
  18. She's late again ─ typical!
  19. This is more typical of mammals than of reptiles.
  20. A topic-based approach can be hard to assess in schools with a typical spread of ability.
  21. The question is small but typical.
  22. Greens and browns are typical of Ribera's palette.
  23. This painting is a typical Rembrandt.
  24. In the more typical case, there will have been parallel changes.
  25. This is your typical English pub.
  26. The idea that TV shows like "Dallas" or "Dynasty" represent typical American life is laughable.
  27. a typical City merchant banking yahoo.
  28. Write a very brief description of a typical problem.
  29. A typical warehouse club marks up its goods by only 10 to 15 percent.
  30. I know that I am not your typical web user.
  31. Bennett accepted the award with typical modesty.
  32. I am merely citing his reaction as typical of British industry.
  33. This is not typical of Chinese, but is a feature of the Thai language.
  34. He's a typical male, as he gets older he becomes more juvenile.
  35. In a typical case, there is a small inflamed nodule just under the skin.
  36. Cheney is everyone's image of a typical cop: a big white guy, six feet, 220 pounds.
  37. He spoke with typical enthusiasm.
  38. This is a typical example of Roman pottery.
  39. The typical labourer now sits in front of a bank of dials.
  40. Are we typical?
  41. This pattern of woods and fields is typical of the English landscape.
  42. Try calculating your budget for a typical week.
  43. The weather at the moment is not typical for July.
  44. Typical is Columbia University's Entry to Practice program.
  45. This is a typical wolf's attack: attack and then leap away quickly.
  46. This meal is typical of local cookery.
  47. "Storm Warning" is really just typical voyeuristic reality TV.
  48. The typical family structure of Freud's patients involved two parents and two children.
  49. She gave an equivocal answer, typical of a politician.
  50. This isn't your typical economics class.
  51. Isak's story is typical of a child who has a specific learning disability.
  52. The program can model a typical home page for you.
  53. Their lifestyles were typical of ordinary people.
  54. At first glance, the town is a typical dying mill center.
  55. Stan Reilly is not really one of your typical Brighton Boys.