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1. To change something completely so that it is the opposite of what it was before.
2. A relation of direct opposition.
3. The gears by which the motion of a machine can be reversed.
4. An unfortunate happening that hinders of impedes; something that is thwarting or frustrating.
5. The side of a coin or medal that does not bear the principal design.

Use 'reverse' in a sentence:

  1. If we get a sunburn, it has a reverse effect, and it's not healthy.
  2. Now reverse the car.
  3. The downward trend went into reverse and the scores started to creep up again.
  4. After they have dropped off our supplies, they have to repeat the process in reverse.
  5. In the squares place a penny, nickel, dime and quarter in that order. The object is to reverse the order of these coins.
  6. The normal word order is reversed in passive sentences.
  7. The company had to do something to reverse its sliding fortunes.
  8. She reversed into a parking space.
  9. The new president reversed many of the policies of his predecessor.
  10. Property values have suffered another reverse.
  11. Practise reversing the car into the garage.
  12. MPs hoped to reverse Britain's opt-out from the treaty.
  13. Although I expected to enjoy living in the country, in fact the reverse is true.
  14. He was not at all jolly. Quite the reverse.
  15. Caution! This truck is reversing.
  16. It felt as if we had reversed our roles of parent and child.
  17. She used to work for me, but our situations are now reversed.
  18. Another car reversed out of the drive.
  19. We still have the imaginative capacity to rise above temptation and reverse the high-speed trend.
  20. Iron the garment on the reverse side.
  21. He reversed and drove away.
  22. He has reversed himself on a dozen issues.
  23. The reverse flow, from developed to developing countries, is on the rise, too.
  24. It wasn't easy to persuade her to come ─ quite the reverse.
  25. This would lead one to expect a fat, dense and detailed autobiography. The reverse is true. The book is short and spare.
  26. Globalization, with all its problems, will have to go on as a driving force. You cannot reverse it.
  27. The reverse is equally plausible.
  28. There is absolutely no evidence at all that spectators want longer cricket matches. Quite the reverse.
  29. Recent findings, however, make it necessary to reverse this picture.
  30. Amis tells the story in reverse, from the moment the man dies.
  31. Yet we can reverse such influences.
  32. They have made it clear they will not reverse the decision to increase prices.
  33. As this occurs, we should see the impact of these events on prices start to reverse.
  34. I want to reverse the charges, please.
  35. A chart on the reverse of this letter highlights your savings.
  36. The yields continue to slow down or reverse.
  37. It's clear that the party of the former Prime Minister has suffered a major reverse.
  38. Time could easily reverse your positions, so be sure you treat everyone with respect.
  39. The wrong attitude will have exactly the reverse effect.
  40. In the south, the reverse applies.
  41. He reversed the position of the two stamps.
  42. Cheques should be made payable to Country Living and your address written on the reverse.
  43. The rise, the first in 10 months, reversed the downward trend in Belgium's jobless rate.
  44. This problem is the reverse of the previous one.
  45. If the light was kept steady, the dolphins were supposed to press the levers in reverse order.
  46. This trend is being reversed.
  47. He lurched the car in reverse along the ruts to the access road.
  48. Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.
  49. The secret number is my phone number in reverse.
  50. Writing is reversed in a mirror.
  51. Reverse spelling (crumb for crum, a word in which b has no justification) is also a trivial mistake.
  52. The transformation of the news business is unstoppable, and attempts to reverse it are doomed to failure.
  53. What if that same process could be run in reverse, like a movie run backward?
  54. You should reverse the order of these pages.
  55. In the paper, they even argue that the reverse could be true.
  56. With your right foot still firmly planted on the brake pedal, push the clutch down gently and select reverse.
  57. The winners were announced in reverse order.
  58. The narrow gateway left me little margin for error as I reversed the car.
  59. He reversed around the corner.
  60. We did a similar trip to you, but in reverse.
  61. The Court of Appeal reversed the decision.
  62. The government has failed to reverse the economic decline.
  63. It is sometimes possible to arrest or reverse the disease.
  64. The experiment had the reverse effect to what was intended.
  65. In 2002 economic growth went into reverse.