Definition: 1. The power that is believed to control everything that happens and that cannot be stopped or changed. 2. An event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future. 3. Your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you). 4. Decree or designate beforehand.
Use 'fate' in a sentence:
By some freak of fate they all escaped without injury. It seemed that a trip to France was what fate had in store for me. The divorce would be granted when more important problems, notably the fate of the children, had been decided. The Casino, where she had often danced, had suffered a similar fate . Was it not the fate intended thee? By a tantalizing quirk of fate , the pair have been drawn to meet in the first round of the championship. He mourn'd for the fate of his darling mate, "Well-a-day!" The call for a boycott could be enough to seal the fate of next week's general election. Many of the papers muse on the fate of the President. I have the same fate . Miller is gloomy about the fate of the serious playwright in America. A single act of rebellion or disobedience was often enough to seal a woman's fate . He seems for a moment to be again holding the fate of the country in his hands. It is our fate . Took us quite a while to get here, didn't it? Talk about Fate moving in a mysterious way! Its fate is yet to be decided. They were unaware of the fate that was to befall them. By a strange quirk of fate they had booked into the same hotel. Took us quite a while to get here, didn't it? Talk about fate moving in a mysterious way! The fate of the three men is unknown. He does not believe in fate . I believe there's some force guiding us—call it God, destiny or fate . Each of the managers suffered the same fate . Many of the papers muse on the fate of the president. Her fate intertwined with his. Now her fate would help to guard it also. Would a better fate have fallen to my lot? He believes that everything in life is fated . It seems it was fate . Fate decreed that she would never reach America.She resigned herself to her fate . My fate was bound up with hers. It was thy child's fate thou saw'st—thy own child's future life! She could be the god of her own fate if she tried hard enough. Their fate is still in the melting pot. They held his fate in the palms of their ancient hands. By a strange twist of fate , Andy and I were on the same plane. By a strange twist of fate , Andy and I were on the same plane. The Russian Parliament will hold a special session later this month to decide his fate . I see no use arguing with fate . We were fated never to meet again. Fate was kind to me that day.Fate had thrown them together.I believe there's some force guiding us ─ call it God, destiny or fate . She sat outside, waiting to find out her fate . The fate line begins close to the wrist. I see no use quarrelling with fate . By a curious twist of fate we met again only a week or so later. The government had abandoned the refugees to their fate . By a curious twist of fate , cricket was also my favourite sport.