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1. Meat cut from the thigh of a hog (usually smoked).
2. A licensed amateur radio operator.
3. An unskilled actor who overacts.
4. Exaggerate one's acting.

Use 'ham' in a sentence:

  1. He grumbled that 15 pesos would buy only a bun and a slice of ham and was no substitute for a hot meal.
  2. Vacuum-packed ham slices should be unwrapped 30 minutes before serving.
  3. Cut the ham into pieces.
  4. The hams were cooked whole.
  5. It's made of ham.
  6. Thrusting themselves into the spirit of the farce, they ham it up like mad.
  7. I want to buy some beef, ham, and sausage.
  8. In 1969, the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation ( AMSAT) was created in order to foster ham radio enthusiasts' participation in space research and communication.
  9. As she pulls the shoes out, the box with the sandwiches in it breaks open and the ham, the cheese, and the bread slices fall into the sand.
  10. The ham had a smoky flavour.
  11. Application and research of Hamming code in large scale sensor networks.
  12. I became a ham radio operator at the age of eleven.
  13. Groups of ham actors took the barns by storm like soldiers.
  14. I would like ham and pineapple.
  15. I was eating ham and Swiss cheese on rye.
  16. I don't like ham.
  17. The sight of these greedy young hedgehogs stuffing themselves with fried ham makes me feel positively famished.
  18. Try the ham and cheese.
  19. You can also add different things if you like, such as hard-boiled egg or cured ham.
  20. The ham is from Shanghai.
  21. Every day without variation my grandfather ate a plate of cold ham.
  22. Research of character identifying method about least Hamming distance classifier.
  23. The cook will utilize the leftover ham bone to make soup.
  24. If you're lucky, you will get a pastry, a hearty breakfast of pancakes and sausage and eggs, or an English Fried Ham.
  25. Trim the fat off the ham.
  26. He's a terrible ham.
  27. Pesto, mozzarella, parma ham, sun dried tomatoes, egg, anchovies.
  28. Because of not being full, my daughter asked me to buy a kind of her favorite ham sausage for her.
  29. Having not yet lunched, we went to the refreshment bar for ham sandwiches.
  30. The villagers sentenced one man to five lashes for stealing a ham from his neighbour.
  31. On Dane's breakfast plate, you'll often find rye bread, cheeses, salami, ham, pie, honey, jam, and sometimes even thin plates of chocolate.
  32. Well, let's buy ham.
  33. I went out to buy the ham sausage for her.
  34. There's salad and cold ham.
  35. Please give me a slice of ham.
  36. A Transmission System of Data with Hamming Code Based on FPGA.
  37. A binary image watermark authentication method based on Hamming Code.
  38. At West Ham he was thought of as the rosebud that never properly flowered.
  39. Keegan's team are now seven points clear of West Ham.
  40. I like green eggs and ham!
  41. The hams were suspended from the ceiling.
  42. The villagers sentenced one man to five lashes for stealing a ham from his neighbor.
  43. Prime Minister David Cameron blamed brain fade when he accidentally announced his footballing allegiance to West Ham United rather than Aston Villa.
  44. I want ham and eggs, please.
  45. After a hearty breakfast of huevos rancheros, a spicy omelette with chopped vegetables and ham, it was time to head for the marina.
  46. Rabbit and hamster are good friends.
  47. The ham is covered in salt to dry and preserve it, and left to hang for up to two years.
  48. Pigs were butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling.
  49. Here are two loaves and a ham for you, so that you won't starve.
  50. Here, Mole, fry me some slices of ham, like the good little chap you are.
  51. Our guide unpacked a picnic of ham sandwiches and offered us tea.
  52. I'd like a ham sandwich.
  53. Please give me a ham sandwich.
  54. This ham has too much fat on it.
  55. The ham is delicious with avocado.
  56. Why would anybody want so much ham?
  57. Every Saturday dad made a beautiful pea and ham soup.