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1. A line of people or vehicles waiting for something.
2. (information processing) an ordered list of tasks to be performed or messages to be transmitted.
3. A braid of hair at the back of the head.
4. Form a queue, form a line, stand in line.

Use 'queue' in a sentence:

  1. With the opening of the visitor centre, sightseers will pass through metal detectors and queue up for tours amid air conditioning and plentiful lavatories.
  2. We could all be in the dole queue on Monday.
  3. If we had booked a table earlier, we wouldn't be standing here in a queue.
  4. Senators and representatives use private elevators, lest they have to queue with their constituents.
  5. I had to queue for quite a while.
  6. I watched as he got a tray and joined the queue.
  7. The queue for places at the school has never been longer.
  8. People, usually migrants from rural areas and jobless citizens, are hired to queue up for different types of tickets in large cities in return for a pittance.
  9. On the phone browser, you can save to this queue in the cloud.
  10. I queued for two hours to get a ticket to see the football game.
  11. In other cases, however, capacity should expand to keep the queue short.
  12. First in the queue were two Japanese students.
  13. There was still a queue for tickets on the night.
  14. If you jump the queue, how will other drivers feel?
  15. You simply create a queue, then drop and retrieve messages on it.
  16. Another 29,100 people have joined the dole queue.
  17. As customers began to queue, Mr. Azar reached beneath the counter for a black plastic bag.
  18. It would be too tiresome to wait in the queue.
  19. The food queues have become a daily occurrence across the country.
  20. Queue here for taxis.
  21. I escorted the older woman to the queue at the cash register and then stepped back and lingered near the younger woman.
  22. Manchester United would be at the front of a queue of potential buyers.
  23. Put the socket in a working queue.
  24. How long were you in the queue?
  25. Every time we get a new delivery of clothes, people are queuing to snap them up.
  26. If you are in a queue of traffic, then don't try to push past the cars in front of yours.
  27. Behind him was a long queue of angry motorists.
  28. Queue-jumpe is a kind of rudeness rather than a sin.
  29. Make sure you join the queue inside the bank.
  30. Seeing people queuing for food was a novelty.
  31. In the previous section, you configured a shared work path and set up an MI queue manager, so you can move on to third step.
  32. There's usually always massive queue because it's good.
  33. Queues were already forming outside the theatre.
  34. The OPTN's leaders voted on June 10th to let children seeking a spot in the adult queue appeal to an internal review board.
  35. Even though the task takes longer, the bottleneck is removed and tokens no longer queue up.
  36. People have to stand in a queue for hours to buy a ticket.
  37. There are already long queues of vehicles at petrol pumps.
  38. How long were you in the queue ?
  39. Single parents got priority in the housing queue.
  40. This is called "jumping the queue".
  41. I had to join a queue for the toilets.
  42. There was a queue of traffic waiting to turn right.
  43. I joined the end of the queue.
  44. I chose to use an initiation queue per host instead of per agent.
  45. Your print job has been sent to the network print queue.
  46. Your print job has already been sent from your PC to the network print queue.
  47. We had to queue up for an hour for the tickets.
  48. The prince refused to jump the queue for treatment at the local hospital.
  49. Children clutching empty bowls form a queue.
  50. With run time for most applications lasting days or weeks, the queue fills up quickly.
  51. Some cultures are too adept at lining up: a citizen of the former Soviet Union would join a queue just so he could get to the head of that queue and see what everyone was queuing for.
  52. Should load exceed the capacity of the system, messages will queue up irrespective of the maximum messages value.
  53. The queue gradually shuffled forward.
  54. The queues at the door wound around the building.
  55. A queue forms outside Peter's study.
  56. The system queues the jobs before they are processed.