Definition: 1. Without deviation. 2. Without anyone or anything intervening. 3. Without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening. 4. In a forthright manner; candidly or frankly.
Use 'directly' in a sentence:
1. The two parties encode confidential data in a form that is not directly readable by the other party.
2. Directly after lunch we were packed and ready to go.
3. The situation in the US is not directly comparable to that in the UK.
4. He had to liaise directly with the police while writing the report.
5. He will be there directly.
6. Catherine saw to it that the information went directly to Walter.
7. Published rates are not always directly comparable.
8. I will go directly to the princess!
9. No one directly involved with the case doubted him.
10. A: I told them directly – I don't want to go to the meeting because I think it's a waste of time! B: Wow!
11. There, directly below me, was a guy holding the ball.
12. The two foreign ministers did not address each other directly when they last met.
13. He drove her directly to her hotel.
14. I will try it directly.
15. The second rainbow will be bigger than the first, and directly above it.
16. On arriving in New York, Dylan went directly to Greenwich Village.
17. We will continue to work hard to improve the value of Chinese passports, so that our compatriots can more directly feel the dignity of being a Chinese and will find it easier to travel abroad.
18. This was a straight conflict of directly opposed aims.
19. They can trace their lineage directly back to the 18th century.
20. Subscribers dial directly from their computers into the BBS host computer.
21. He's directly responsible to the boss.
22. Probably best to talk to the tutor directly.
23. For safety's sake, never stand directly behind a horse.
24. The dispute is not directly connected to the negotiations.
25. There was a column directly in my line of sight, so I could only see half the stage.
26. He had placed himself directly in my line of sight.
27. These comments are not directly relevant to this enquiry.
28. The newcomers directly threaten the livelihood of the established workers.
29. Users can download MP3 music files and record them directly onto a CD audio disc using a PC CD burner.
30. The two factors are directly linked.
31. Most guests left directly after the wake.
32. We cannot measure pain directly. It can only be estimated.
33. I went home directly I had finished work.
34. These are the cells that directly attack and kill microorganisms.
35. Tell them I'll be there directly.
36. They remain directly opposed to these new plans.
37. Most blinds can be fixed directly to the top of the window-frame.
38. She looked directly at us.
39. I could see smoke coming from the windows of the house directly opposite.
40. My salary is paid directly into my bank.
41. They injected the drug directly into her bloodstream.
42. You can of course help by giving them a donation directly.
43. Unemployment benefits are directly related to previous earnings.
44. The new law will affect us all, directly or indirectly.
45. We have not been directly affected by the cuts.