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1. Give free rein to.
2. Yield (to); give satisfaction to.
3. Enjoy to excess.
4. Treat with excessive indulgence.

Use 'indulge' in a sentence:

  1. He would indulge her every dream.
  2. She did not believe in indulging the children with presents.
  3. Her father had always indulged her every whim.
  4. JUST for this week, indulge in a fantasy.
  5. How often do you indulge in a hot dog?
  6. The inheritance enabled him to indulge his passion for art.
  7. JUST for this week indulge in a fantasy.
  8. The speaker played to the gallery by indulging in vulgar jokes.
  9. Only rarely will she indulge in a glass of wine.
  10. Every once in a while I indulge.
  11. The female only child, who tends to be slightly more flexible, is well matched with an older man, who will indulge her tendency to test his love.
  12. They indulge in tall talk.
  13. Don't indulge in rich sauces, fried food, and thick pastry as these are high in fat.
  14. The SAMR inspection found that 15 training institutions had indulged in false advertising, while 13 resorted to pricing frauds.
  15. If Americans indulge in a bit of flag waving when the job is done, they earned it.
  16. The signs are that indulged children tend to become unmanageable when they reach their teens.
  17. Indulge in life's joys.
  18. I am on a strict diet, so I cannot indulge.
  19. The youngest sister of brothers is best matched with an oldest brother of sisters, who will happily indulge these traits.
  20. Should you choose to indulge in French cooking.
  21. A year or two ago I found myself indulging in a spot of yachting in Finnish waters.
  22. Dear 85-year-old. Indulge your sweet tooth, you'll need dentists soon anyway.
  23. So they’re more likely to indulge.
  24. Inciting fans to flaunt wealth or indulge in luxury;
  25. He indulged his only son.
  26. Children should be disciplined and not indulged.
  27. Don't let yourself indulge in vain wishes.
  28. The most ridiculous grimaces were purposely or unconsciously indulged in.
  29. Indulge in the joys of music.
  30. Indulge in some dark chocolate.
  31. The female only child, who tends to be slightly more flexible, is well-matched with an older man, who will indulge her tendency to test his love.
  32. We're not here to indulge in fantasy but in political and economic reality.
  33. If Americans indulge in a bit of flag-waving when the job is done, they earned it.
  34. They got together and indulged in wine and song.
  35. Indulges the missing pain troubled, inventorying dripped lonely the rough sound.
  36. Those who are overweight or indulge in high-salt diets are candidates for hypertension.
  37. You can indulge yourself without spending a fortune.
  38. First, don't indulge in despair, because despair leads to inertia and doing nothing means certain disaster.
  39. Indulge your aeronautical whims.
  40. Three of us opt to stroll to the Mozart Café to indulge in a luxury breakfast.
  41. He was indulging his own sexual proclivities.
  42. At university he wrote a bit, did a touch of acting, and indulged in internal college politics.
  43. I indulged myself with a long hot bath.
  44. Instead of throwing away a wrapper after you indulge in something sweet, keep it in a jar.
  45. Why do we indulge in the myth that the fabulous wealth generated by this mode of production will in the fullness of time become available to all people?
  46. Don't indulge in rich sauces, fried food and thick pastry as these are high in fat.
  47. He returned to Ohio so that he could indulge his passion for football.
  48. He returned to Britain so that he could indulge his passion for football.
  49. They indulged in some highly dubious business practices to obtain their current position in the market.
  50. They went into town to indulge in some serious shopping.
  51. Everyone should indulge in fantasy on occasion.
  52. It is refreshing both to the spirits and to the body to indulge in psalmody, in befitting seasons.
  53. Like college freshmen eating habits and indulge in too much late-afternoon or late-night high-fat snacking.
  54. He did not agree with indulging children.