Definition: 1. A substance that can be consumed to produce energy. 2. Provide with a combustible substance that provides emergy. 3. Provide with fuel. 4. Take in fuel, as of a ship. 5. Stimulate.
Use 'fuel' in a sentence:
1. My car guzzles fuel.
2. We ran out of fuel.
3. The laws have led to a reduction in fuel consumption in the U.S.
4. Higher salaries helped to fuel inflation.
5. The fossil fuels ( coal and oil) are finite resources.
6. The factories shut down for want of fuel and materials.
7. Operating costs are coming down because of cheaper fuel.
8. They were forced to forage for clothing and fuel.
9. They ran out of fuel.
10. The helicopter was already fuelled and ready to go.
11. They were low on fuel.
12. A spark ignites the fuel in a car engine.
13. They had run short of fuel.
14. The crew jettisoned excess fuel and made an emergency landing.
15. The authorities have urged people to stock up on fuel.
16. The boiler uses solid fuel.
17. The electricity industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels.
18. The fuel gauge had gone on the blink.
19. This gauge tells you how much fuel you have left.
20. The impact ruptured both fuel tanks.
21. The car rental included unlimited mileage, but not fuel.
22. They drew up and executed a plan to reduce fuel consumption.
23. The ship took on more fuel at Freetown.
24. We seem to be light on fuel.
25. The amount of fuel that this car uses is a big strike against it.
26. The new information adds fuel to the debate over safety procedures.
27. The country is now a net exporter of fuel.
28. A new tax was imposed on fuel.
29. The plane circled the airport to burn up excess fuel.
30. When nuclear fuel is manufactured it is encased in metal cans.
31. The revelations gave new fuel to angry opponents of the proposed law.
32. Which fuel burns most efficiently?
33. They've been deprived of the fuel necessary to heat their homes.
34. We used sail power and turned the engine off to save our fuel.
35. In May engineers found a leak in a hydrogen fuel line.
36. Nuclear energy may overtake oil as the main fuel.
37. On a global scale, 77% of energy is created from fossil fuels.
38. There is no incentive for people to save fuel.
39. Manufacturing industry was worst affected by the fuel shortage.