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1. In the middle of or during something, especially something that causes excitement or fear.
2. Surrounded by something.

Use 'amid' in a sentence:

  1. Then came the riders amid even louder cheers and whoosh! It was all over.
  2. He was celebrated amid his contemporaries.
  3. Japanese people have shown great civility amid this massive natural disaster and there have been no instances of looting.
  4. She was going to talk with slides about our town amid eighteenth century.
  5. The government collapsed amid budget quarrels.
  6. Some of the wreckage caused by the explosion fell amid the crowd of spectators.
  7. The violence came amid increasing international concern about Islamic State extremists in Libya.
  8. Amid the trees the sea mist was dripping.
  9. This new focus on personal fulfillment can help keep employees motivated amid increasingly loud debates over work-life balance.
  10. Amid all the job losses of the Great Recession, there is one category of worker that the economic disruption has been good for: nonhumans.
  11. The family groped in the darkness, amid thunder and lightning.
  12. Workers are sifting through the wreckage of the airliners amid growing evidence that the disasters were the work of terrorists.
  13. In the evening, amid tight security, she was taken back to the clinic and her six children, all of whom were born in the cellar.
  14. The little car looked dusty and vulnerable amid the vibrant taxis.
  15. Amid these scenes of savage brilliancy there dwells a race whose qualities seem to harmonize with their environment.
  16. Amid the din, it is easy to forget quite how American history has shaped these debates.
  17. The report, published on Tuesday, comes amid growing concern about the impact of fishing and climate change on the Antarctic.
  18. The President resigned amid considerable controversy.
  19. Farmer has made the program publicly available, amid much criticism.
  20. The mayor had presented dad with the keys, and he had driven off amid cheers.
  21. They lay snug and warm amid the blankets and watched their sister hard at work.
  22. Amid the trees the sea mist was dripping and moisture formed on Tom's glasses.
  23. The army went forth amid great cheering and hand.
  24. The house stood amid maple trees.
  25. The findings come amid growing concern over the future of the Antarctic.
  26. They lay snug and warm amid the blankets.
  27. They could provide a ray of hope amid the general economic gloom.
  28. Amid a secondary school course, a student should be interested enough in a subject to enjoy gaining knowledge for its own sake.
  29. Amid all the changes, Antarctica maintains its allure.
  30. The resolution was carried [ passed; adopted] amid applause.
  31. Dr Amid was a man of indeterminate age.
  32. They announced, amid much ballyhoo, that they had made a breakthrough.
  33. Some of these flood shelters are on raised platforms, which have allowed government helicopters to land amid the continuing floods.
  34. The firm collapsed amid allegations of fraud.
  35. The hotel was in a beautiful position amid lemon groves.
  36. The gecko, perched on a branch, has blended itself into its surroundings so well that its coil-shaped body is hard to spot amid the foliage.
  37. The house was set amid dense trees and surrounded by an electrified fence.
  38. They could provide a ray of hope amid the general business and economic gloom.
  39. He came on stage amid clapping and cheering.
  40. Amid the chaos, he had lofty aims.
  41. It is impossible to establish democracy amid economic chaos.
  42. Dr Amid probed around the sensitive area.
  43. The trial took place amid a blaze of publicity.
  44. This book was written amid many difficulties.
  45. The product was launched amid much fanfare worldwide.
  46. Dr Amid was assisted by a young Asian nurse.
  47. Children were changing classrooms amid laughter and shouts.
  48. He resigned amid allegations of financial impropriety.
  49. Oil shares advanced amid economic recovery hopes.
  50. He finished his speech amid tremendous applause.