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1. A dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain.
2. Feel physical pain.
3. Have a desire for something or someone who is not present.
4. Be the source of pain.

Use 'ache' in a sentence:

  1. Generally speaking, stomach ache is not a big deal.
  2. Does your heart ache to tell the truth about Me?
  3. His both hands and feet ache all over.
  4. Mummy, I've got a tummy ache.
  5. There was an aching emptiness in her heart.
  6. The pain, usually a dull ache, gets worse with exercise.
  7. You really ache for a simple list.
  8. Sharpe's leg and shoulder began to ache, a sure sign of rain.
  9. If we had to listen to that signal every time we felt an ache or pain, we wouldn't be able to do anything.
  10. I'm aching all over.
  11. It quite makes my forehead ache!
  12. I think I've got stomach ache.
  13. He ached to see her.
  14. She continued to have severe stomach cramps, aches, fatigue, and depression.
  15. This value stream map illustrates the process of a patient coming into the hospital with a stomach ache.
  16. My head aches and I ache all over because I'm so tired.
  17. You feel nausea and aches in your muscles.
  18. They ache like history: things long done with, that still remain as pain.
  19. I feel sore and ache all over.
  20. I have a stomach-ache.
  21. It gives rapid relief from rheumatic aches and pains.
  22. They said it could explain why women could wear high heels for hours but experiencing feet ache after removing them.
  23. Muscular aches and pains can be soothed by a relaxing massage.
  24. Both my hands and feet ache.
  25. She experienced an increase in generalized aches and pains.
  26. Have a cold or a tummy ache?
  27. She still ached for the lost intimacy and sexual contact of marriage.
  28. I ache in the places where I used to play.
  29. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my arm.
  30. But Spain was a country aching to get away from its past.
  31. She was aching and feverish.
  32. Despite her aching shoulders, Nancy held on.
  33. Poor posture can cause neck ache, headaches and breathing problems.
  34. My feet are aching.
  35. If I get another tummy ache, I will wire you to come.
  36. My leg still aches when I sit down.
  37. Sorry that I cannot go to the airport to pick you up in person on account of stomach ache.
  38. When the ache is bad enough it keeps me from sleeping.
  39. My head had begun to ache and my stomach felt funny.
  40. Financial debt causes stress and heart ache.
  41. As I didn't have breakfast, my stomach started to ache.
  42. I was aching for home.
  43. I must have slept in an awkward position ─ I'm aching all over.
  44. Her joints ache if she exercises.
  45. I'm feeling a good bit better. The cut aches, but it's mending.
  46. His leg ached dully.
  47. Her eyes ached from lack of sleep.
  48. My arms were aching so I shifted position slightly.
  49. She feels an ache in her bosom.
  50. A sharp ache developed in her back muscles.
  51. He massaged the aching muscles in her feet.
  52. It was quite an achievement to keep smiling when his heart must have been aching.