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1. Clothes that you wear under other clothes and next to the skin.
2. Undergarment worn next to the skin and under the outer garments.

Use 'underwear' in a sentence:

  1. She wants to have her hair teased and buy underwear for her grandchildren.
  2. All of my socks and underwear are plain and mostly black.
  3. It seems that the thieves are less choosy these days, with their targets ranging widely from bikes, cell phones, pueses, pre-paid IC cards to sunglasses, bags, and even underwear.
  4. I sometimes wake up with a wet, sticky spot on my underwear or pajama pants.
  5. Some may simply go to sleep early, so they can be energized for an early New Year's Day hike—perhaps while wearing underwear that suits their mood, and wishes for the New Year.
  6. On the Cultural Characteristics of Chinese Underwear.
  7. Female underwear evolved as women's role in society changed.
  8. I must first gain new underwear.
  9. She has also revealed in the past that she feels comfortable modelling underwear.
  10. He put on his underwear and got into his suit.
  11. I didn't have time to get some stylish underwear.
  12. Today the prevailing trend in underwear is for more closefitting styles.
  13. They searched Miao's house and discovered skirts, wigs, high heeled shoes and even women's underwear.
  14. I don't know, maybe his underwear has a different color.
  15. Shapewear is simply underwear which is designed to temporarily alter the shape of the wearer's body, typically to flatten and/ or upper body.
  16. Except for towels, underwear and socks, other clothing works well in cold water.
  17. More than drones dropping a new supply of underwear on your doorstep, Apple's massively successful brick-and-mortar-and-glass retail stores and Amazon's small steps in the same direction are what should keep old-fashioned retailers awake at night.
  18. Come on, man, I'm running out of underwear.
  19. Wexner, 73, is an unlikely candidate to upend the American underwear industry.
  20. Should I take off my underwear as well?
  21. The Development and Application of Functional Men's Knitted Underwear.
  22. They would love to buy anything from him, from underwear to shoes to sports drinks.
  23. I mean, when you get to the point of looking for more time-efficient ways to fold underwear, you might have a problem.
  24. In different parts of the world, there are always those who believe in their "lucky underwear".
  25. Underwear not meeting the requirement was not to be sold in stores.
  26. Bamboo has become a popular choice in durable, air permeable, soft fabrics, and is used to make bedding, underwear, blankets, bags, hats, and much, much more.
  27. And those dreams you had about being unprepared for a test or showing up to class in your underwear aren't limited to your high school days.
  28. Do not consider other factors, what kind of underwear you like best?
  29. They model underwear for a living.
  30. "I tried out for an underwear fashion show and all I had to do was lose five pounds," he said.
  31. Research on Underwear Embroidery Pattern of Chinese Female in Qing Dynasty.
  32. In Latin America people express their hopes through the colour of their underwear.
  33. "Long underwear, " she joked.
  34. An Inquiry into the Properties of Materials Used for Knitted Underwear.
  35. Yes, really attractive women get paid lots of money to get pictures of them taken in their underwear.
  36. Consume structure and trend of underwear retail market in China.
  37. It seems that the thieves are less choosy these days, with their targets ranging widely from bikes, cell phones, purses, pre-paid IC cards to sunglasses, bags, and even underwear.
  38. Application of the New High Technique to Underwear of Woman.
  39. Combining it with new high technique is strong support for developing woman underwear.
  40. Then I'll take a set with underwear.
  41. Would you like to try a new brand underwear, its only make large size?
  42. Application and Development of "Green Textile" for Underwear Designing.
  43. Where can you get the products information about underwear?
  44. He had to find a woman who would marry him, to push a pram and carry only one change of underwear!
  45. They left off their woollen underwear when the weather got warm.
  46. Maybe during the seventh inning stretch I can run through the stadium in my own Spiderman underwear.
  47. I took off my clothes, jacket, shoes, socks, underwear and all, shouting, "Can I go now?"
  48. For instance where the whole underwear is made of candy.