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1. The cardinal compass point that is a 270 degrees.
2. Situated in or facing or moving toward the west.
3. To, toward, or in the west.

Use 'west' in a sentence:

  1. They had years of experience of trading with the West.
  2. The Pope had no great sympathy for the secularized West.
  3. He started with a good holiday in Key West, Florida.
  4. The vast forests of West Africa have shrunk.
  5. Arco says 20% of West Coast drivers want leaded petrol.
  6. Far up the west rim of the canyon, a coyote yipped twice.
  7. He tried to defect to the West last year.
  8. He lives to the west of the town.
  9. The sun was now sinking, a fiery ball of light in the west.
  10. I was born in Japan, but I've lived in the West for some years now.
  11. West Virginia was granted statehood in 1863.
  12. The two West African states had broken off relations two years ago.
  13. The West Indies were all out for 364.
  14. Far off to the west the sun was sinking.
  15. The West is getting a heavy dose of snow and rain today.
  16. She speaks with a soft West Country burr.
  17. He was headmaster of a public school in the West of England.
  18. I pushed on toward Flagstaff, a hundred miles to the west.
  19. It was quiet now, the thunder had grumbled away to the west.
  20. The West must back up its verbal support with substantial economic aid.
  21. We are going west to California.
  22. The Hebrides are to the west of the Scottish mainland.
  23. Both nations are seeking closer links with the West.
  24. I had been planning a trip to the West Coast.
  25. Moral as well as financial support was what the West should provide.
  26. He aims to follow Columbus's voyage to the West Indies.
  27. So we set off again, cursing the delay, toward the west.
  28. West Berlin always had a large anarchist community.
  29. Mark has been working in West Africa for about six months.
  30. Classmates at West Point had ironically dubbed him Beauty.
  31. It pleased critics but ran for only three years in the West End.
  32. West Hampstead has a variety of good stores and supermarkets.
  33. Water is a precious commodity that is often taken for granted in the West.
  34. This is the only forum where East and West can get together.
  35. The East and the West can work together for their mutual benefit and progress.
  36. East and West are still spying on one another.
  37. Rain is spreading from the west.
  38. The wind veered to the west.
  39. Which way is west?
  40. He also believed in coexistence with the West.
  41. This room faces west.
  42. The sun was sinking in the west.
  43. Kerry is in the extreme west of Ireland.
  44. We were given an office in the empty west wing.
  45. West Africa was the pivot of the cocoa trade.
  46. There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West.
  47. He sailed for the West Indies from Portsmouth.
  48. For a beach resort with a difference, try Key West.
  49. The West is stingy with aid.