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1. Return to its original or usable and functioning condition.
2. Return to life; get or give new life or energy.
3. Give or bring back.

Use 'restore' in a sentence:

  1. After the riots, the military was brought in to restore law and order.
  2. As an example of the latter point, he notes growing efforts at major universities to tighten grading standards and restore failing grades.
  3. Now the question is, do we partially restore and rebuild the site before the entire thing disintegrates?
  4. They were faced with the daunting task of restoring the house.
  5. Thou'lt restore the pig?
  6. The other is to restore some of the evolutionary and ecological potential that has been lost in North America.
  7. The operation restored his sight.
  8. At its core, the debate is about how to manage the world's remaining natural ecosystems and about how, and how much, to restore other habitats.
  9. I sincerely hope that the doctors can restore you to full health.
  10. Troops were sent to the islands to restore order last November.
  11. A brisk massage can restore the body's vigor.
  12. The army has recently been brought in to restore order.
  13. Sweet heaven grant it be so—then wilt thou fetch him away and restore me!
  14. The house has been lovingly restored.
  15. It will take a lot of funding to restore it, and I am not sure it'll be made available, which would be a pity.
  16. What do I mean by restore evolutionary potential?
  17. The Security Council shall decide what measures shall be taken to restore peace and security.
  18. Other options to restore the frescoes would have required using chemicals to remove the unwanted layer or using physical means to scrape it off.
  19. The following day their horses and goods were restored to them.
  20. And let me assure you I will use whatever force is necessary to restore order.
  21. Come in, come in, and I will soon restore thee!
  22. This is a signpost on the road to American decline if we don't stop and restore the credibility of our markets.
  23. Our allies pressed us to join with them to act against the tyrant and restore order on the south shore of the Mediterranean.
  24. I paused in the hall to take three deep breaths to restore my equilibrium.
  25. No matter what we do to restore habitat or support population growth, we may never be able to restore that culture.
  26. He said the ousted president must be restored to power.
  27. We will restore her to health but it may take time.
  28. It is a kind of hot spring water, which contains the mineral base, to restore and transform it into weak alkaline water.
  29. Of course one alternative to this is to restore capital punishment, but I'm not sure I would be for that.
  30. The president will have to work hard to restore his credibility.
  31. His country desperately needs Western aid to restore its ailing economy.
  32. Some people argue that the death penalty should be restored.
  33. She may not have the money to maintain or restore her property.
  34. The police are trying to restore public order.
  35. Troops were sent in to restore order.
  36. Her friend's kindness has restored her faith in human nature.
  37. Her kindness has restored my faith in human nature.
  38. Such kindness restores your faith in human nature.
  39. I am confident that we can restore peace, stability, and respect for the rule of law.
  40. Order was quickly restored after the riots.
  41. The police have now restored the painting to its rightful owner.
  42. Her job is restoring old paintings.
  43. Senior officers could be considering a coup to restore authoritarian rule.
  44. Its intention is to restore pride in the past and create a more mannered society.
  45. To paraphrase President Bush, we must restore confidence in our economic sector.
  46. The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy.
  47. Power has been restored to most parts that were hit last night by high winds.
  48. Electricity lines to 30,000 homes were gradually being restored yesterday.
  49. We hope to restore the garden to its former glory.
  50. The house has now been restored to its former glory.
  51. The palace has been restored to its former splendour.
  52. This beautiful old building has been restored to its former glory.
  53. He is now fully restored to health.
  54. A fall in unemployment will help to restore consumer confidence.