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1. To give a summary of something.
2. Be a summary of.

Use 'summarize' in a sentence:

  1. Review and summarize.
  2. To summarize: Don't be put off by your ignorance.
  3. To summarize, this study program is about human gene2.
  4. So let's now summarize the example in Figure 7.
  5. It has provided reference to the reduction of working voltage for cells of the same type through analysis and summarizing on the process of testing cell's voltage reduction.
  6. At last, some experience in the development of the system was summarized.
  7. The first part summarizes mediator law system.
  8. Can you quickly summarize your own definitions of the five program components in single's and pair's skating?
  9. It then summarizes the results of some relevant empirical studies.
  10. At the end of your speech, try to summarize your most important points in slightly different words from the ones you used in your opening.
  11. However, we can summarize the following guidelines.
  12. Briefly summarize the main points of your presentation.
  13. So, to summarize, the portal workshop.
  14. Tables 1-3 summarize all the hardware specifications.
  15. This section attempts to summarize the key issues.
  16. To summarize, the visualization tools mentioned are.
  17. Summarize the Whole Article and put forward the related suggestions.
  18. The paper summarizes the recent development of methods of vibration-based structure damage detection.
  19. Rehashing it here is not necessary, but I'll summarize briefly.
  20. Can we summarize the problem from my point of view?
  21. Step 7: Summarize all the application patterns required.
  22. Summarize the whole paper, and put forward some suggestions.
  23. Does the headline summarize the content accurately?
  24. Summarize on Specialty Curriculum-setting of Chinese Traditional Sports.
  25. Summarizing on Developing Model of Region Tourism Industry.
  26. Basically, the article can be summarized in three sentences.
  27. One commenter accurately summarized what is believed to be the most obvious concern here:
  28. Summarize the sales data and draft the sales plan.
  29. When you summarize, you condense an extended idea or argument into a sentence or more in your own words.
  30. After analyzing structure of professional system, we summarize the characteristics of talent building.
  31. I find it hard to summarize its own personality.
  32. The first part is labor arbitration system is summarized.
  33. It may be briefly summarized in the following words.
  34. Section five appraises and summarizes the design work of performance management system.
  35. The introduction summarizes the whole developing process of Shanghai music publishing business.
  36. Summarize all action items and decisions.
  37. G. Summarize decisions and assignments, 1 minute.
  38. The schools produced diligent excerpting from older manuscripts, summarizing, and commentaries.
  39. It also summarizes the effect of comprehensive logging parameters on engineering monitoring.
  40. Summary: Summarize the problem.
  41. To summarize stories and write essays and formal letters.
  42. Step 2: Summarize the position.
  43. So let's now summarize the example on Figure 6.
  44. Methods: Literature was investigated, classified, and summarized.
  45. To summarize: it's really, really black.
  46. The fourth part is to summarizes the general character from seven aspects.
  47. He summarized the salient points.
  48. 'Hamlet' is the least amenable of all Shakespeare's plays to being summarized.
  49. Ok, let me just try to summarize here.
  50. Then I will hand it over to you to discuss the timeline and summarize and we'll take questions together at the end.
  51. I won’t try to summarize the entire report.
  52. Captions usually summarize the author's main point as well.
  53. Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they oppose specific points made in the reading passage.
  54. It may be briefly summarized in the following outline.
  55. She summarized her plan very neatly.
  56. Table 3.1 summarizes the information given above.
  57. Please summarize the information by selecting key features and making comparison where is relevant.
  58. To summarize, the Chianti is more classical and the Zinfandel more exciting.
  59. He summarized the speech snappily.
  60. The results of the research are summarized at the end of the chapter.