1. Anything that covers or conceals.
2. A loose outer garment.
3. Hide under a false appearance.
Use 'cloak' in a sentence:
- 1. He turned quickly, his black cloak circling.
- 2. He gathered his cloak around him.
- 3. Burn the cloak. Burn the mask.
- 4. The son put on cloak and his hat and went for a walk.
- 5. She eyed his cloak suddenly as though she thought he might be hiding Harry underneath it.
- 6. One winter cloak ( black, silver fastenings)
- 7. Let no one in the field go back to get his cloak.
- 8. Scarlett shed her bonnet and her cloak.
- 9. We've got the invisibility cloak, said Harry.
- 10. She threw a heavy woollen cloak over her shoulders.
- 11. The cloak and dagger dangles.
- 12. She threw off her cloak with an abandoned gesture.
- 13. The bull flared up at the sight of the red cloak.
- 14. The spy's activities were concealed by the cloak of diplomacy.
- 15. The organization is cloaked in a shroud of secrecy.
- 16. The houppelande, a cloak-like outer garment also became fashionable.
- 17. Look out for the cloaking cameras Stay in the blind spots.
- 18. He cloaked his greed by appearing to be friendly.
- 19. The folds of a great cloak encompassed her person.
- 20. The wicker lady lifted her veil: she took off her cloak.
- 21. Your wishing-cloak hangs up in the closet, and as for the bird's heart, I will give it to you too.
- 22. His friendly behaviour was a cloak for his evil intentions.
- 23. Prometheus lit a torch from the chariot and put the fire in a hollow stalk that he concealed under his cloak.
- 24. Reports are often false, and always false when made by a knave to cloak his knavery.
- 25. They gave him the cloak, and he wished himself a fly, and in a moment he was a fly.
- 26. Description : A warm cloak fashioned from thick fabric and wolf pelts.
- 27. The invaders attacked under a cloak of fog.
- 28. Off went the flock chattering away; but one fell down dead, and the cloak with it.
- 29. When clouds appear , wise men put on their cloak.
- 30. And he said to him, Throw your cloak around and follow me.
- 31. Today most of England will be under a cloak of thick mist.
- 32. He donned his cloak and gloves.
- 33. He had gone outside again and mounted his horse and thrown off the cloak.
- 34. The hills were cloaked in a thick mist.
- 35. He deceived them under the cloak of religion.
- 36. "The cloak is very well," said he: "now give me the sword."
- 37. She walks around our house in a cloak of flames that she made herself.
- 38. All of a sudden a tall old man in a black cloak loomed out of the murk.
- 39. She could not see him for he still wore his cloak.
- 40. They can't match Harry Potter yet, but scientists are to creating a real cloak of invisibility.
- 41. Came the terrible answer, and as he spoke Peter flung off his cloak.
- 42. May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes.
- 43. And make me travel forth without my cloak,
- 44. What are Gold Cloaks doing so far from King's Landing?
- 45. Who has wrapped up the waters in his cloak?
- 46. The long cloak she was wearing enveloped her completely.
- 47. His friendly behavior was a cloak for his evil intentions.
- 48. They plan to expand Cloak to interface with other apps, including Facebook.
- 49. She threw back the hood of her cloak.
- 50. A borrowed cloak does not keep one warm.
- 51. They left under the cloak of darkness.
- 52. The coachman wrapped himself up in his cloak.
- 53. The snow covered up the fields with a white cloak.
- 54. The whole of Hogwarts was open to him in this cloak.
- 55. Today most of New England will be under a cloak of thick mist.
- 56. A fire could have been deliberately started to cloak small coordinated troop movements.
- 57. You wear hector's cloak.
- 58. It was a lady; her cloak and cap were of snow.
- 59. She works for you. She's the one the Gold Cloaks,
- 60. 他们计划将Cloak运用于包括Facebook在内的其他程序。
- 61. One which is brought from the island of Samothrace and is purple like the cloak of caesar.
- 62. A cape is similar to a cloak, but it is usually shorter.
- 63. His friendly behavior was a cloak for his evil intention.
- 64. What do the Gold Cloaks want with you?
- 65. Their conservation has been cloaked in secrecy.
- 66. The hills were cloaked in thick mist.
- 67. She is wearing a red cloak with a hood.
- 68. The meeting was cloaked in mystery .
- 69. The beautiful sweeping coastline was cloaked in mist.
- 70. Can you ask him how he managed to cloak the ship?
- 71. Preparations for the wedding were made under a cloak of secrecy.
- 72. She was released from prison in a cloak and dagger operation yesterday.
- 73. The meeting was cloaked in mystery.
- 74. Undeterred, he crept into the cemetery under the cloak of darkness with a bemused sculptor in tow.