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1. Something used to beautify.
2. Make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc..
3. Be an ornament to.

Use 'ornament' in a sentence:

  1. The ornament is made of rhodolite stone.
  2. You shouldn't grudge a few yards of earth for me to ornament, when you have taken all my land! '!
  3. The room was full of pictures and other beautiful ornaments.
  4. Civil liberties are not just an ornament, or a quaint American tradition.
  5. I am appreciated your great efforts for ornamenting this suffering order to a mysterious yashmak.
  6. Elementary Study on the Consciousness of Life in Aboriginal Ornament Art.
  7. There's a lot ornaments on the wall.
  8. Measurement of the K value in gold ornaments by XRF method.
  9. Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age.
  10. She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee.
  11. When you can't deliver ornament, you have to deliver substance.
  12. Some problems in the industrial production of ornament film by vacuum evaporation.
  13. I guessed he was the chief because he wore more gold ornaments than the others.
  14. A nice scented sachet is not just an ornament, but more of something that contains cultural and historical richness.
  15. A woman standing under such an irresistable ornament would just have to be kissed!
  16. My View About Gold Ornament Industry Development of Special Zone.
  17. Her office has stumbled upon items, such as a 17th-century silver altar ornament, that were sold to be melted down as scrap.
  18. The inspiration for the design has been taken from South African crafted chicken ornament. (Link)
  19. Once pierced, a belly with a hole will eventually loose that hole, unless some type of ornament remains inside the same hole.
  20. The portraits and sumptuous ornaments, and the gold clock, show that this is not just any old front room.
  21. In addition, the ornament that fills the new hole in the patient's belly has to be rotated on a regular basis.
  22. Study and Practice on Network-based Interactive Design of Automotive Inner Ornament.
  23. Hangzhou, Tea houses Wonderfully Ornament the West lake.
  24. Yes; then something better, something still grander, will surely follow, or wherefore should they thus ornament me?
  25. They are ornamenting a Christmas tree.
  26. I see well that you are both for use and ornament, my dear young lady.
  27. Can only say that is ornament which suitable to take adeptly on does not only photograph.
  28. The victorious leader was crowned with an ornament of leaves.
  29. Let the metal pot ornament wealthy homes; you have work to do in those of the poor.
  30. This is because their staple food, milkweed, is being used more and more as a garden ornament.
  31. she asked, giving another look of delight at the beautifully arranged square with the bowl as a chief ornament in the centre.
  32. Architecture Ornament& the Influence of Architecture Ornament to Structural Reliability.
  33. With regal ornament; the middle pair.
  34. She wears a crystal ornament on her chest.
  35. Dried gourds are sometimes used as ornaments.
  36. The mental patient thinks the cement is the elementary element of the ornament.
  37. The flowers were put on the table for ornament.
  38. He must have all Edward's virtues, and his person and manners must ornament his goodness with every possible charm.
  39. She was deceived into buying a jade ornament.
  40. In 1847, a Lauscha local is credited with inventing the first glass Christmas tree ornament.
  41. A bauble is a showy ornament of little value.
  42. General Progress in Investment Casting Equipment for Modern Ornaments.
  43. Ornament for the analysis of the ultimate goal is to guide play.
  44. The building is an ornament to the city.
  45. Model of fuzzy estimation on cost of architectural ornament engineering and its application.
  46. Her living room is ornamented/ decorated with flowers.
  47. From the sheepskin floor MATS to the retractable winged hood ornament, the Phantom is a luxury.
  48. Tom gratefully took in the comfortable sitting room, with its little tables crowded with ornaments.
  49. It had a high ceiling, ornamented with plaster fruits and flowers.
  50. She likes the skirt ornamented/ decorated with lace.
  51. A slender skewer, usually ornamented at the top, used decoratively, especially in serving garnishes.
  52. Inside, the two small rooms were spare and neat, stripped bare of ornaments.
  53. The clock is simply for ornament; it doesn't work any more.
  54. The shelves were chock-a-block with ornaments.