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[ˌmɪdl ˈeɪdʒd]

1. Neither young nor old.
2. The middle aged.
3. Rather boring and old-fashioned.
4. Being roughly between 45 and 65 years old.

Use 'middle-aged' in a sentence:

  1. A middle-aged couple went to the gallery.
  2. The Effect of Model Shape Training to the Middle-aged College Female Posture.
  3. So if you are male and middle-aged, should you worry?
  4. Gathered together, the old, the middle-aged and the young studied side by side and encouraged each other.
  5. Strengthening culture of ability of science research in young and middle-aged teachers.
  6. His sisters are grown up and his parents are middle-aged.
  7. Our headmaster is middle-aged man.
  8. The drug would be taken regularly by middle-aged men and women to prevent their arteries clogging up or developing fatal blockages in later life.
  9. Question 19. What common problem do middle-aged people have?
  10. We come upon a small caravan camper with its door open to a late-middle-aged Scottish couple, sitting at a folding table, taking tea and biscuits.
  11. They found that middle-aged people with higher measures of abdominal fat scored worse on measures of fluid intelligence as the years went by.
  12. Fishing is one of the most popular activities among the middle-aged people.
  13. The middle-aged woman regarded the boy as her confidant.
  14. On the other side of me, a middle-aged man had begun to weep.
  15. There is a high incidence of heart disease among middle-aged men.
  16. A smartly dressed, middle-aged lady came in and sat down.
  17. The "sandwich generation" of middle-aged, middle-aged children today are the first to be living in an age where a four-or five-generation family is becoming commonplace.
  18. There were a few middle-aged and even elderly women in the train.
  19. I never want to be middle-aged.
  20. Application of behavioral change theory mode in middle-aged citizens' fitness activities.
  21. Analysis on Growth Quality of Gap Control for Middle-aged Korean Pine Plantation.
  22. Middle-aged homemakers, retirees, and the unemployed come to such cafes to talk about love, anger, and dreams with a psychologist.
  23. About half an hour later, a middle-aged man rushed to Winston in a hurry and said, "It's you!"
  24. I noticed two middle-aged passengers.
  25. What every middle-aged man wants?
  26. It turned out that the middle-aged man bought the ticket the other day and was excited to find that he was the lucky winner of $100,000.
  27. The survey finds that, in spite of the dramatic gains women have made in educational attainment and labor force participation in recent decades, young women view this as a man's world — just as middle-aged and older women do.
  28. Brief Analysis on the Middle-aged Financial Problems in Our Country.
  29. One day, a middle-aged man came for an interview.
  30. Middle-aged women are predispositional to localized abacterial pustulosis.
  31. B No, she's not. She's middle-aged!
  32. The middle-aged person, Barth continued, can see death in the distance, but moves with a "measured haste" to get big new things done while there is still time.
  33. A Study on Fishing and Health of the Elderly and Middle-aged People.
  34. The purpose of this study was to explore the Influences of progeniture convention on middle-aged and elderly woman's health concepts.
  35. Development Tendency of Obesity in Middle-aged and Old People in Cities.
  36. Some research suggests that the explanation for rising rates of mortality, mental-health problems, and addiction among poorly-educated, middle-aged people is a shortage of well-paid jobs.
  37. Every morning Tim often sees some groups of middle-aged women dance in the square.
  38. In a small village, there was a middle-aged postman, who just turned 20 years old and started delivering all kinds of happy or sad stories to each home day after day for 50 kilometers.
  39. Cerebral infarction in the young and middle-aged people: clinical analysis of 68 cases.
  40. A middle-aged woman answered the door.
  41. Joseph was playing his last piece of music when a middle-aged man who looked excited stopped and put a 50-dollar banknote into the hat.
  42. So what’s the bad news about the middle-aged brain?
  43. Clinical Analysis of Sudden Deaths of Middle-aged and Old People.
  44. A team from the University of Eastern Finland worked with 2570 middle-aged men, monitoring their health and mortality from the 1980s to the present day.
  45. "A lottery ticket!" answered the middle-aged man.
  46. I got a seat opposite a middle-aged man with sharp eyes, who kept watching a young woman in a window seat with a little boy on her lap.
  47. A large middle-aged lady slapped me on the back and said 'Nice to see you again.'
  48. My middle-aged friend says I should accept the inevitable fact that let the bones turn brittle, the skin shrivel and sag, the hair grey and thin.
  49. The bulk of the book concerns Sandy's two middle-aged children.
  50. The tensions of the Nixon presidency were replaced by the plain vanilla administration of a friendly, middle-aged, middle-class man from the Middle West.
  51. His fan base is mostly middle-aged ladies.
  52. Her novels are middle-aged and boring.
  53. The guests were mostly middle-aged men talking business.