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1. Vulnerability to the elements; to the action of heat or cold or wind or rain.
2. The act of subjecting someone to an influencing experience.
3. The disclosure of something secret.
4. Aspect re light or wind.
5. The state of being vulnerable or exposed.

Use 'exposure' in a sentence:

  1. Exposure to nature has been thought to be necessary for brain development in children.
  2. A tripod also lets you shoot long exposures at night.
  3. He fears the exposure of his underground political activity.
  4. All the candidates have been getting an enormous amount of exposure on television and in the press.
  5. Other skin cancers are increasingly likely with long-term exposure.
  6. Humiliation is the greatest fear; self-exposure and failing to appeal to the audience come a close second.
  7. Another potential cost of this activity is greater exposure to predators since play is attention-getting behavior.
  8. At least two people died of exposure in Chicago overnight.
  9. This type of bacteria can't stand exposure to light.
  10. Advertisements featuring professional athletes and their endorsed products tend to get impressive exposure on TV, radio, in print and online.
  11. Paula reached for her camera, guessed distance and exposure, and shot two frames.
  12. They show the effects of different exposure times.
  13. Two climbers were brought in suffering from exposure.
  14. Exposure of unprotected skin to the sun carries the risk of developing skin cancer.
  15. Therefore, in its exposure to various risks, credit risk remains the main risk.
  16. Cortina said, early exposure is beneficial.
  17. The room has a southern exposure.
  18. Motion during the long exposure produced streaks in the starry background and the city lights on the darkened planet below.
  19. Their cancers are not so clearly tied to radiation exposure.
  20. The house has a southern exposure.
  21. Skin thickens, dries and coarsens after sun exposure.
  22. How many exposures have you got left on this film?
  23. Against a deep blue sky or dark storm-clouds, you may need to reduce the exposure.
  24. However, Cortina said, early exposure is beneficial.
  25. His nose had been reddened by unaccustomed exposure to the California sun.
  26. Exposure to lead is known to damage the brains of young children.
  27. The body cannot cope with sudden exposure to stress.
  28. Secondly, young people might benefit from early exposure to the Internet for they can start their learning ahead of formal schooling.
  29. Continuous exposure to sound above 80 decibels could be harmful.
  30. Their sporting reputation has suffered enormously from Johnson's exposure.
  31. It's like staying in a fish market and getting used to the stink; long exposure to a bad environment accustoms one to evil ways.
  32. Children's exposure to these pollutants has been associated with harmful impacts on their mental development.
  33. Exposure to ultraviolet light is closely linked to skin cancer.
  34. Long-time exposure to the damp environment multiplies the bacteria in food rapidly.
  35. Prolonged exposure to these pollutants may result in chronic disease.
  36. Melanomas are more common if you have periodic intense exposure to the sun.
  37. He was suffering from exposure and shock but his condition was said to be stable.
  38. He undertook increasingly dangerous assignments until his exposure as a spy.
  39. No matter what level of exposure of smoke you have, your lung cells know it and they are responding.
  40. Daniel's early exposure to motor racing did not excite his interest.
  41. Have you ever had any skin problems connected with exposure to the sun?
  42. I used a long exposure for this one.
  43. There are three exposures left on this roll of film.
  44. Even the Harvard study did not prove a direct correlation but noted strong associations between exposure and risk of behavioral issues.
  45. Her new movie has had a lot of exposure in the media.
  46. There is convincing evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.
  47. Exposure to the sun ages the skin.
  48. There is a direct correlation between exposure to sun and skin cancer.
  49. There's no lag period, and notice that antibody levels start rising right away after the second exposure.
  50. Larger drawings tend to require two or three exposures to cover them.
  51. Exposure to the sun can accelerate the ageing process.