Definition: 1. A dark oil consisting mainly of hydrocarbons. 2. Not carefully or expertly made. 3. Conspicuously and tastelessly indecent. 4. Not refined or processed.
Use 'crude' in a sentence:
1. The advent of new technologies has added about 4.2 million barrels per day to the crude oil market, contributing to a global over-supply.
2. The pipeline carries crude oil direct from the oil field to the harbour.
3. Nev! Must you be quite so crude?
4. He's always been quite crude, but this time he's gone too far.
5. In fact, a speciality crude is suitable only for bitumen production.
6. Detectives described the burglary as ‘ crude and amateurish ’.
7. In spite of its crude workmanship, this type of vase sells well.
8. In Europe, taxes account for up to four-fifths of the retail price, so even quite big changes in the price of crude have a more muted effect on pump prices than in the past.
9. We might expect that early artistic efforts would be crude, but the cave paintings of Spain and southern France show a marked degree of skill.
10. At a refinery, the crude oil from underground is separated into natural gas, gasoline, kerosene, and various oils.
11. OPEC has agreed to freeze its global oil production slightly in order to firm up crude prices.
12. A sacred place of peace, however, crude it may be, is a distinctly human need, as opposed to shelter which is a distinctly animal need.
13. Thousands of gallons of crude oil were spilled into the ocean.
14. You've got such a crude mouth!
15. Indeed, several refineries in Japan have stopped operations, but crude prices have tumbled below $100 a barrel for the first time in more than a week.
16. Detectives described the burglary as 'crude and amateurish'.
17. Gasoline is made from crude oil.
18. They imported crude rubber from Malaysia.
19. In most countries the cost of crude oil now accounts for a smaller share of the price of petrol than it did in the 1970s.
20. It was a very crude idea.
21. Leonard Schlesinger, a Harvard academic and former chief executive of Au Bong Pain, a rapidly growing chain of bakery cafes, says that much "re-engineering" has been crude.
22. In crude terms , the causes of mental illness seem to be of three main kinds.
23. Don't be crude tonight, Bernard, it doesn't become you.
24. Honestly, Nev! Must you be so crude!.
25. He can only provide a crude drawing of the thief's face.
26. It involves the crude mechanics of writing, but in its economy, spontaneity and even vulgarity, texting is actually a new kind of talking, with its own kind of grammar and conventions.
27. Efforts to staunch the spill of crude oil from a tanker off the north coast of Scotland are being held up by gale force winds.
28. Oil majors need not fear being unable to sell their crude.
29. I condemn such crude manners.
30. Petroleum, consisting of crude oil and natural gas, seems to originate from organic matter in marine sediment.
31. They had eleven crude houses for protection against the severe winter.
32. The government imposed a ceiling on imports of crude oil.
33. To be crude and careless is an extremely bad style of work.
34. The advent of new technologies has added about 4.2 million barrels per day to the crude oil market.
35. No…, but such crude estimates…um…we can do better than that.
36. The demonstrators burned a crude effigy of the president.
37. Standard measurements of blood pressure are an important but crude way of assessing the risk of heart disease or strokes.
38. Crude oil is the world's most important commodity.
39. Must you be quite so crude?
40. A thousand tons of crude oil has spilled into the sea from an oil tanker.
41. On the eve of the Revolution, the colonies produced thirty thousand tons of crude iron a year.
42. This is the virus in very crude simple diagrammatic form.
43. Primitive man hunted wild animals with crude stone implements.
44. Contrary to popular belief, the oil companies can't control the price of crude.
45. Birthplace data are only the crudest indicator of actual migration paths.
46. In crude terms, the causes of mental illness seem to be of three main kinds.
47. He was critical of the people, disparaging of their crude manners.