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1. Someone who takes care of a garden.
2. Someone employed to work in a garden.

Use 'gardener' in a sentence:

  1. Remembering himself, he suddenly touched his hat gardener fashion and said," Yes, sir!"
  2. A slow smile spread over it and the gardener looked quite different.
  3. The gardener trimmed the hedge.
  4. The gardener mucked the orchard every year.
  5. In china, a teacher is often compared to a gardener.
  6. The gardener cropped the hedges.
  7. Dr Livesey did not like the song.He looked up angrily before he went on talking to old Taylor, the gardener.
  8. I found the gardener, a family retainer, morosely surveying the scene.
  9. ' You're a good gardener,' he said.
  10. Loe is a master food preserver, gardener and canning expert.
  11. “I am the head gardener, ” he announced.
  12. The gardener clipped the shrubbery.
  13. Not when you got me the place here as gardener?
  14. Gardeners curse them but they also have many healing properties.
  15. I was learned that by a young lady I was gardener to.
  16. He reckons she's having it off with the gardener.
  17. She herself was not a keen gardener.
  18. The king became very angry at this, and ordered the gardener to keep watch all night under the tree.
  19. Ten years later a young handsome man came to see the gardener.
  20. Our gardener is a jack of all trades, he can do carpentering, decorating, a bit of plumbing, and so on.
  21. Most people love to talk about their hobbies, and so do gardeners.
  22. Although Mary loved flowers, neither she nor her husband was known as a gardener.
  23. The gardener exploded with the rage that had simmered all morning.
  24. The gardener is thinning the tops of bushes.
  25. The gardner's dog fell into a deep well, from which his master used to draw water for the plants in his garden with a rope and a bucket. Failing to get the dog out by means of these, the gardener went down into the well himself in order to fetch him up.
  26. A gardener couldn't have told thee better.
  27. The gardener cut back all the bushes.
  28. Well, I wouldn't ask th' head gardener.
  29. Home gardeners should plant away from the foundation of their house.
  30. They can hire a gardener to do the work.
  31. The old gardener is a nice old boy.
  32. Like Capability Brown, my first job was gardener's boy.
  33. Among them, 2 kinds have disappeared since 2003 and 25 kinds are in great danger, said a gardener.
  34. I think I may have lost my job as gardener.
  35. I am still not a gardener due to the insufficient time to research and experiment.
  36. The gardener is barbering the lawn.
  37. I think this has something to do with the gardener.
  38. She employed a gardener.
  39. In fact, every gardener or gardener's lad had been witched away.
  40. Gardeners and farmers add it to soil to make plants grow better.
  41. The young Rajah turned and looked his servitor over—at least that was what the head gardener felt happened.
  42. I am a Software Gardener.
  43. When is the gardener go to water the flower?
  44. The gardener pulled up the weeds.
  45. The old gardener pushed his cap back on his bald head and stared at her a minute.
  46. Occasionally I met a cemetery gardener or an old woman with a watering can and gardening shears.
  47. He knew much about pictures and fine furniture, and was an enthusiastic gardener.
  48. On Mondays, eight servants, including an extra gardener, toiled all day with scrubbing-brushes and hammer and garden-shears, repairing the ravages of the night before.
  49. Any farmer or gardener knows that a milder winter means a longer growing season.
  50. He is a hard worker and a skilled gardener.
  51. My wife's a keen gardener.
  52. We employ a gardener two days a week.
  53. With bonfires outlawed in urban areas, gardeners must cart their refuse to a dump.
  54. The gardener was moaning that he had another garden to do later that morning.