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1. Give, sell, or transfer to another.
2. Throw or cast away.
3. Make receptive or willing towards an action or attitude or belief.
4. Make fit or prepared.

Use 'dispose' in a sentence:

  1. Agencies and companies throughout the world are working on developing technology that would dispose of or capture space debris before it causes serious damage.
  2. I saw that the publishers were well disposed towards my book.
  3. But we don't know how to dispose it now. I never eat an apple when I was young.
  4. In America private firms dispose of roughly 70% of all waste.
  5. He alleged that they had hired an assassin to dispose of him.
  6. They'll immediately dispatch a crew to dispose of it.
  7. Every woman has to purchase pads and dispose of bloody feminine hygiene products.
  8. When the cursor is finished, don't forget to call its dispose() method.
  9. They disposed of the city's waste in the sea.
  10. Penticoff takes the call, and is instructed to dispose of a body in a trunk of a car.
  11. They dispose of the city's waste in the sea.
  12. The justices have been arguing about how the case should be disposed of.
  13. You did us a great favour by disposing of that problem.
  14. Nuclear waste is difficult to dispose of.
  15. The suspect was taken unawares, without the chance to dispose of the evidence.
  16. God disposes all things according to his will.
  17. He who is disposed for mischief will never want occasion.
  18. They have no way to dispose of the hazardous waste they produce.
  19. Anyone seeking to paint 18th-century rooms needs to be familiar with the way colour was disposed within a room.
  20. Obviously we ask all our customers to dispose of litter responsibly.
  21. He is then more generously disposed to admit the validity of opposing views.
  22. Choice of Paths to Dispose of Bad Assets through Capital Market.
  23. He doesn't know how to dispose of his spare time.
  24. Engine oil cannot be disposed of down drains.
  25. Two battalions were disposed for an attack on the air base.
  26. I think they want kids to be favorably disposed to this company and see them in a more positive light.
  27. They dispose of more than four billion pounds of waste each year.
  28. OFFICER: Yes, we will have to dispose of them.
  29. Dispose of coals properly.
  30. Dispose of these old newspapers.
  31. We passed one or two dwellings, but were not disposed to stop.
  32. Subway said that it worked hard to minimize the impact of litter on communities, so it was "still down to the individual customer to dispose of their litter responsibly".
  33. If you are barbecuing with coal, be sure you know how to properly dispose of them.
  34. He felt well disposed towards her.
  35. Just fold up the nappy and dispose of it in the normal manner.
  36. Let's dispose of this matter once and for all.
  37. The goods have been disposed of.
  38. I might have been disposed to like him in other circumstances.
  39. DESPITE their name, disposable nappies are notoriously difficult to dispose of.
  40. The first thing Dr Gura did, therefore, was dispose of them.
  41. You have no idea how much it takes to dispose batteries. Do yourself a favor.
  42. His job is not only to dispose of problems but (also) to meet unexpected challenges.
  43. If no one is willing to be responsible for its upkeep, dispose of the machine.
  44. Lastly, what about the decision to dispose of his body at sea?
  45. It is very important for the enterprises in reconstruction to dispose the land asset.
  46. I'm not disposed to go to attend her birthday party.
  47. Our enemies were caught unprepared and we disposed of them without firing a single shot.
  48. The bomb has been safely disposed of.
  49. Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground.
  50. I'm not disposed to argue.
  51. They are likely to be well disposed to an offer of a separate peace deal.
  52. It took her a mere 20 minutes to dispose of her opponent.
  53. Drivers routinely collide with deer and there are so many dead bodies left by the side of the road that the town has made it a deal with a local pet cemetery to collect and dispose of the bodies.
  54. Medical supplies are disposed of hygienically.
  55. She seems favourably disposed to the move.