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1. Bar from attention or consideration.
2. Cease to consider; put out of judicial consideration.
3. Stop associating with.
4. Terminate the employment of.

Use 'dismiss' in a sentence:

  1. I suspect that he was dismissed for political reasons.
  2. Which ones can you dismiss for now?
  3. The president has gone out of his way to dismiss speculation over the future of the economy.
  4. Vegetarians are no longer dismissed as cranks.
  5. The court ruled that the women were unfairly dismissed.
  6. Her observations helped dismiss the popular belief that insects spontaneously emerged from mud.
  7. She dismissed the newspaper reports as pure speculation.
  8. And it is so easy to dismiss those data.
  9. She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post.
  10. And I don't dismiss those concerns.
  11. If someone wildly different than you proposes the same radical idea, well, it's easy to dismiss them as nuts.
  12. He dismissed the opinion polls as worthless.
  13. Foxton was dismissed and John Smith was appointed in his stead.
  14. It's a common story—one we frequently ridicule and readily dismiss, for example, by claiming that women tend to complain more than men, despite the growing sum of research that underlines the problem.
  15. The Foreign Office dismissed the story as mischievous and false.
  16. Gazda also believes that it's been a mistake to dismiss the Roman copies as copies for copy's sake and not to consider the Roman function and meaning of the statues.
  17. Some experts dismiss such complaints, however.
  18. I don't dismiss those concerns.
  19. We shouldn't dismiss them just because they're old-fashioned.
  20. The officers had run the risk of being dismissed.
  21. He was so irresponsible that I decided to dismiss him.
  22. They dismiss the rumours as ridiculous.
  23. Under the statutes of the university they had no power to dismiss him.
  24. He was dismissed for incompetence.
  25. They dismissed the problem as unimportant.
  26. We might dismiss tales of buried treasure and comedy "mummerset" accents out of hand now that we're grown-ups.
  27. Will it please your royal highness to dismiss all that attend you here, save my lord the Earl of Hertford?
  28. Two more witnesses were called, heard and dismissed.
  29. Rational economists dismiss his warnings.
  30. They were quick to dismiss rumours of an off-screen romance.
  31. The case was dismissed on the grounds that there was not enough evidence.
  32. The situation scarcely warrants their/ them being dismissed.
  33. The suggestion should not be dismissed out of hand.
  34. Then,we need to dismiss. No more questions?
  35. They constantly dismiss others' proposals while taking no responsibility for tackling the problem.
  36. This makes it easier to dismiss all scientific pronouncements, but especially those made by the scientists who present themselves as 'experts'.
  37. To dismiss an idea as silly.
  38. He dismissed her words as the ravings of a hysterical woman.
  39. She dismissed the plan as a cosmetic exercise to win votes.
  40. Something is terrible about their relationship, job, or other situation, and they moan about it ceaselessly, but find some excuse to dismiss any solution that's proposed.
  41. Don't dismiss that possibility entirely.
  42. She dismissed the stories of her resignation as newspaper talk.
  43. Some parents would dismiss their children's dreams as worthless and force them to give up their dreams.
  44. Officials dismiss these incidents as simple hooliganism.
  45. Dismiss the carriage!
  46. I think we can safely dismiss their objections.
  47. Dismissing her fears, she climbed higher.
  48. He dismissed her from his mind.
  49. The case was dismissed.
  50. At 12 o'clock the class was dismissed.
  51. A spokesman dismissed any suggestion of a boardroom rift.
  52. He dismissed the idea with a firm shake of his head.
  53. She dismissed him with a regal gesture.
  54. Most orthodox doctors however dismiss this as complete nonsense.
  55. I move that the case be dismissed.