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1. A person who is frequently in the company of another.
2. A traveler who accompanies you.
3. One paid to accompany or assist or live with another.
4. Be a companion to somebody.

Use 'companion' in a sentence:

  1. He was not a fit companion for their skipper that particular morning.
  2. She is a dependable companion.
  3. Both men were unwelcoming, making little attempt to put Kathryn or her companions at their ease.
  4. He is a bad companion and some day he will lead you astray.
  5. How could it be otherwise with such a travelling companion as he had at last got?
  6. We became companions in misfortune.
  7. He was a charming travelling companion.
  8. The trees, the rocks, and the streams are all weeping for the loss of the shepherd-speaker's beloved companion.
  9. It will be advisable for you to drop an acquaintance such as John; he is not a good companion for you.
  10. We become companion in misfortune from then on.
  11. He was a good friend, a dependable companion.
  12. His companions brought pressure to bear on him, urging him to stop wasting money.
  13. A crowd is no companion.
  14. The ideal companion machine would not only look, feel, and sound friendly but would also be programmed to behave in an agreeable manner.
  15. Fred had been her constant companion for the last six years of her life.
  16. We had decided, as you know, to have a companion for Clara.
  17. She was a wonderful companion and her generosity to me was entirely selfless.
  18. I am the Tunny, your companion in the Shark's stomach.
  19. The ideal companion machine—the computer—would not only look, feel, and sound friendly but would also be programmed to behave in a pleasant manner.
  20. His question took his two companions by surprise.
  21. He is a wonderful companion and we can talk for hours on end.
  22. Because they are so dim, it is plausible that the sun could have a secret companion.
  23. Claude was a charming, sophisticated companion.
  24. He was a cheerful and uncomplaining travel companion.
  25. He was my only companion during the war.
  26. I asked my travelling companion what he thought of the situation in Algeria.
  27. The standard theory of planet formation holds that no planet that large could be formed so close to a star, leading to the suggestion that the body is a companion star.
  28. Donovan cocked an interrogative eye at his companion, who nodded in reply.
  29. Our only companion is the wandering albatross, which glides effortlessly and gracefully behind the yacht.
  30. Please take a cup of coffee with me and tell me about my daughter's companion.
  31. The mirror side eye closed as if the reflection were a companion and the other eye stayed open.
  32. He may be slow to make friends, perhaps content with only one companion.
  33. My fellow travellers made good companions.
  34. Calmly, he reached his snake stick and the viper soon joined his companion in the bag.
  35. This conversational robot companion has cameras in its eyes, which allow it to track patients and use appropriate facial expressions and body language in its interactions.
  36. Would passengers feel comfortable travelling in companion?
  37. The girl in white looks more graceful than her companion.
  38. My companion suggested that we park out of sight of passing traffic to avoid attracting attention.
  39. His ability to talk tough while eating fast made a favourable impression on his dining companions.
  40. They are companions in adversity.
  41. They're drinking companions.
  42. Once, when I was a mere lad and had never ridden a horse before, he made me mount one and gallop by his side, with no qualms about his unskilled companion.
  43. Taking his cue from his companion, he apologized for his earlier display of temper.
  44. The dictionary meaning of the term "associate" is "colleague"; "friend"; "companion".
  45. She was a charming dinner companion.
  46. Steve and I became soul mates, near-constant companions.
  47. He has been her constant companion for the last four months.
  48. Although she finished her voyage without a companion, she did not start it alone.
  49. a club frequented by top-dollar models and their movie star companions.
  50. A companion volume is soon to be published.
  51. You come over as a capable and amusing companion.
  52. The elder girl tried to encourage her small companion.
  53. The dictionary meaning of the term "associate" is "colleague" ; "friend" ; "companion".