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1. By which; because of which.
2. As a result of which.
3. By or through which.

Use 'whereby' in a sentence:

  1. Language use is a dynamic process of choice and adaptation whereby meaning emerges.
  2. The James Bond Effect ( also called 007 Effect) is a theory in propaganda and political circles, whereby the first detailed opinion/ summary that someone hears or reads on a particular topic, is the one they are most likely to adopt.
  3. This story of the island is a close system whereby there is no other country and hence no foreign debt.
  4. They voted to accept a deal whereby the union will receive nearly three-quarters of a million pounds from the International Miners Organisation7. 20.
  5. Why not work out some system whereby they can pay back the debts they owe society instead of incurring another debt by going to prison and, of course, coming under the influence of hardened criminals.
  6. The definition also excludes the majority of teachers, despite the fact that teaching has traditionally been the method whereby many intellectuals earn their living.
  7. Now I want to continue a case whereby I have a completely elastic collision.
  8. A system whereby a new discovery may arise.
  9. Whereby I saw that he was angry.
  10. A system whereby we work more overtime than any other country.
  11. You can also adopt a more coarse-grained approach whereby XML service profile data is presented as files.
  12. The term "revenge" adds a deeper psychological layer to the definition, hinting at the act as being a form of rebellion, whereby people delay sleep with the sole intention of creating more time for themselves where they have control.
  13. The establishment of mechanism of ecological products should be accelerated whereby protection and restoration of the ecological environment shall be reasonably rewarded, while those responsible for the ecological environment destruction shall pay their due price.
  14. There is a standard method whereby officers are selected for promotion.
  15. Many developers use a variant of testing called test-after development (TAD), whereby you write the code and then write the unit tests.
  16. An electrical phenomenon whereby an electric charge is stored.
  17. The process of erosion whereby a level surface is produced.
  18. Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished.
  19. I tumbled all the way down and somehow managed to roll into a crouching21 position, sprang to my feet and kept running till I hit the bottom ramp. Whereby I collected myself enough to catch my breath and walk the rest of the way down.
  20. In a just society there must be a system whereby people can seek redress through the courts.
  21. The two colleges have a reciprocal arrangement whereby students from one college can attend classes at the other.
  22. Meanwhile, a new communication mode is presented whereby webpage data are delivered through internet.
  23. Whereby providing a theoretical basis for solving the practical problems in simple tension creep.
  24. This is part of the process of self-validation whereby we employ self-disclosures to seek support for our self-concept.
  25. The results are significant for analyzing the inner mechanism whereby the communities are structured.
  26. A spirit of openness is gaining acceptance in the science community, and is the only way, say advocates, to address a 'crisis' in science whereby too few findings are successfully reproduced.
  27. A common solution is data reduction, whereby the source data is reduced to require less physical space.
  28. Now we take the situation whereby we are not so close to the Earth.
  29. A system of means and activities whereby a social institution functions.
  30. Through a more diffuse "halo effect", whereby its good deeds earn it greater consideration from consumers and others.
  31. ADC, as named, is the processing whereby a compression dictionary is automatically created.
  32. Opaque parsing is a technique whereby elements in an XML document can be minimally processed.
  33. The theater, then, is one tool whereby people define and understand their world or escape from unpleasant realities.
  34. Like a lot of companies, they have a system whereby people are generally promoted from within.
  35. A fat-finger error is a keyboard input1 error in the financial markets such as the stock market or foreign exchange market whereby an order to buy or sell is placed of far greater size than intended, for the wrong stock or contract, at the wrong price, or with any number of other input errors.
  36. And third, through a more diffuse "halo effect", whereby its good deeds earn it greater consideration from consumers and others.
  37. Not fission, whereby uranium and plutonium breaks up in pieces, but fusion.
  38. Default JIT compilation, whereby the JIT compiler thread runs at low priority.
  39. Angiogenesis is a physiological process whereby new blood vessels grow from existing vessels.
  40. Whereby shall we know her?
  41. Manage: validate against Measurement, whereby Operations manages the services in production.
  42. Any process whereby sounds are left out of spoken words or phrases.
  43. Clustering is the phenomenon whereby firms from the same industry gather together in close proximity.
  44. Sets forth a process whereby these objectives and practices shall be evolved.
  45. The process whereby the computer performs the set of instructions specified in a program.
  46. Let's look at three interesting cases whereby we go to extremes.
  47. The biological process whereby genetic factors are transmitted from one generation to the next.
  48. By contrast, he describes differentiation as a process whereby Israel came to reject its Canaanite roots and create a separate identity.
  49. The company operates an arrangement whereby employees may select any 8-hour period between 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. to go to work.
  50. They voted to accept a deal whereby the union will receive nearly three-quarters of a million pounds from the International Miners Organisation.
  51. As we say on this home page here, by default, we anonomize you when you log into this bulletin board, whereby, you're all logged in as students.
  52. They have introduced a new system whereby all employees must undergo regular training.